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Moshiach, Arabia and the Eirev Rav

In a comment in this question, Rabbi Yitzchok Soloveitchik is said to have said that ערביא (Arabia) is referring to the Eirev Rav and their role in the End of Days. So, according to this opinion, ...
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Malchus Yishmael and the connection with clay

I was stuyding the Midrash Rabbah (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4) on the four galuyos and why Malchus Yishmael isn't included. This got me to sefer Daniel 2:31-33. There, we read about a great statue, with a ...
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The descent of Yehudah as a preparation for the geulah

In the sefer " ושב ורפא לו" by Rabbi Tikotzinski (Parshas Vayeshev, p. 119) explains that all things that happened to Yehudah, were a preparation from G-d to bring the redemption. He says: ...
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The Tzadik, The Nations and the Geulah: the chiddush of Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg

Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg, Rabbi of Antwerp (1872-1944), has written an interesting teshuva on the Shalosh Shevuos (the three oaths. Refer to Kesubos 111a). Rabbi Rottenberg, in his reaction to some ...
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The wicked redemption: chiddush of the Rabbeinu Gershom

The Gemara in Tamid 32a writes: He said to them: Who among you is wiser than the others? They said to him: We are all equal in wisdom, as every matter that you say to us, we solve for you unanimously....
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"Torah scholars decrease" - what does the Gemara teaches us?

There is a principle that the redemption only comes after a series of severe troubles (see: אוצרות הרב יצחק אברבנאל, p. 124) יש לדעת כי הגאולה הרוממה באה רק אחרי רצף של צרות קשות One of these ...
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When will the "marriage" between G-d and Am Yisrael be completed?

There is a Midrash that explains that this worlds serves as the "engagement of Am Yisrael with Hashem" and that the world-to-come will serve as the marriage itself. See Yechidus, Eve of 17th ...
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Why will the Galilee be destroyed? - Sanhedrin 97a

The Gemara teaches us that in the generation when Moshiach comes, the Galilee will be destroyed (Sanhedrin 97a): During the generation that the son of David comes, the hall of the assembly of the ...
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Spared from the pains of the birthpangs of Moshiach

I am looking for some explanations given by modern commentators on the following question: The question is: why does studying Torah protects a person against the pains of the birthpangs of Moshiach? ...
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Sefer אפיקי מים on Sanhedrin 97a

There's a sefer called אפיקי מים where it comments on Sanhedrin 97a, on the following: ת"ר שבוע שבן דוד בא בו שנה ראשונה מתקיים מקרא זה (עמוס ד, ז) והמטרתי על עיר אחת ועל עיר אחת לא אמטיר שניה ...
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