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The four descriptions of the world as a reference to the four galuyos

The Torah recounts the state of the world just after G-d created heaven and earth (Bereishis 1:2): And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And a wind from G-...
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Galus: three or four?

There are different sources (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4, Shemos Rabbah 15:6, Ramban; Bereishis 15:14) that say that there were decreed four galuyos - four exiles. There are also explanations that explain ...
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Malchus Yishmael and the connection with clay

I was stuyding the Midrash Rabbah (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4) on the four galuyos and why Malchus Yishmael isn't included. This got me to sefer Daniel 2:31-33. There, we read about a great statue, with a ...
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Locating a Sfas Emes on the influence of Chanukah

In addition to this question, I am eagerly looking for the location of a Sfas Emes where he discuss the following concept (parphrased): Chanukah and Purim are both Rabbinical festivals. Chanukah and ...
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