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Questions tagged [chol-weekday]

Most days of the year - when it is not Shabbat or a holiday.

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12 votes
5 answers

Is it okay to read the newspaper?

Are there any works that discuss the permissibility of reading secular newspapers on a weekday? The Ketzos HaShulchan (Badei HaShulchan 107:43) holds that it's forbidden: Other [i.e. not Torah] ...
13 votes
3 answers

Why does Wednesday's shir shel yom include part of the next perek?

The Shir Shel Yom is (usually) a chapter of Tehillim said at the end of davening, unique to each day. That applies for every day except Wednesday. In some (many) customs, Wednesday's song is Tehillim ...
8 votes
2 answers

Guitar during public weekday prayers

Is anyone aware of any halakhic opinion regarding the playing of musical instruments, guitar for example, in shul on a weekday, not Shabbos. Does it have the same religious stigma and opposition as ...
4 votes
1 answer

Downgrading clothing from Shabbos to Weekday [duplicate]

Is there anything wrong with buying a new hat (or suit, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, skirt, dress) for Shabbos, and then taking one's old Shabbos hat (or suit, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, skirt, dress) ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there anything wrong with not eating bread to avoid reciting Birkat Hamazon?

Is there anything wrong with not eating bread during the weekdays to avoid reciting Birkat Hamazon?
3 votes
0 answers

Question about placement of 2nd Shacharit Ashrei in Nusah Ashkenaz [duplicate]

This is what I have seen listed in most Nusach Ashkenaz siddurim / occur in most Nusach Ashkenaz shuls: When the Torah is read during Shacharit: On weekdays - The 2nd Ashrei is said after the Torah ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why are the Yehi Ratzon prayers connected to Tachanun?

On Mondays and Thursdays, after the torah is read, we say a series of Yehi Ratzon prayers. However, we do not say those prayers on a Monday or Thursday on which we do not say Tachanun: The ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why does shacharit repeat kaddish yatom?

Ashkenazi nussach ends the weekday shacharit service with two kaddish yatoms: one after "Aleinu" and another after the psalm for the day (and seasonal insertions if applicable). Ismar Elbogen's ...
5 votes
1 answer

closing ark before gadlu, weekday Torah service

I was taught that in the weekday Torah service, the ark is closed as soon as the Sefer Torah is removed, so that when we bow for gadlu lashem iti, it is clear we are bowing to Hashem and not to the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Shabbat after losing track of time

I have been reviewing the laws of what to do if one loses track of the days and doesn't know what day is shabbat. The laws are summarized here. Is there any repercussion in terms of his life after he ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why Tiskabel after Hallel on Rosh Hodesh and not other weekdays of Hanukka?

Why do we say a Tiskabel kaddish after Hallel on Rosh Hodesh and only a half-kaddish after Hallel on the other weekdays of Hanukka? What is the general principle and rationale?
0 votes
1 answer

What do Jews do on Sunday? Do they pray as on weekdays?

I was just wanting to know does Sunday have 3 prayers like weekdays?
1 vote
1 answer

Take away a neder

Is it possible to remove a neder through saying kol nidre alone on a regular weekday? And if not, what possibilities are there to remove a neder without asking a Beit din.
2 votes
1 answer

Ordering the healers's attributes in different minhagim

In Ashkenazic Nussach the 8th blessing of the Amida, the Nussach is: "רופא נאמן ורחמן" trustworthy and merciful. and in Sepharadic Nussach the order is "רחמן ונאמן". I am wondering if the difference ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can personal requests be made during the mussaf of rosh hodesh or chol hamoed?

On a holiday it is forbidden to make a personal request. Does this same prohibition apply to the mussaf of rosh hodesh and hol hamoed when all the regular shemonah esrei bakashot are left out?
3 votes
2 answers

How should a person wearing t'fillin on his right hand strike his left chest at 'oshamnu'

On days when Tachnun is said, gently strike the left side of your chest (over the heart) with a closed fist at the words חטאנו and פעשנו. (from Kehot) How should a left handed person wearing t'fillin ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why begin selichot on a Sunday rather than on a date?

We ashkenaz start selichot on a Sunday. Sunday is a day of the week. Usually we start events on a given day of a given month (e.g., rosh hodesh, rosh hashanna), or after a given number of days (e.g.,...
1 vote
1 answer

Why different customs for daily and Shabbat Kedusha?

In the repetition of the Shabbat amida, we who are not leading say all lines of the Kedusha, as does the shaliach tzibur. In the repetition of the daily amida, only the shaliach says all the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Source for the concept of learning 1 hour on Shabbat is like 1000 during the week?

There is a Benayahu on Taanit 11a I think that may hint to this, but not clear enough. Is there an actual source for "1 hour learning on shabbat is like 1000 hours during the week"?
1 vote
3 answers

Recommendation for good "complete siddur" (siddur shalem)

Friends, I am looking for a pocket-sized complete siddur (one that has weekday, Shabbat, holiday and High Holy Day prayers), and I am having trouble finding one. Complete siddurim seem to be hard to ...
4 votes
1 answer

In the Forgiveness Petition of the Amidah, How Should One Strike the Chest?

When praying the Amidah, each Siddur I own mentions striking the chest at key points. However, neither tells how. I tend to make a loose fist and strike the left breast with a moderate force (not ...
15 votes
2 answers

Is one allowed to drink alcohol on regular weekdays?

Is it permissible to drink alcohol in any circumstance other than Holidays and Shabbat? Please cite sources. CYLOR.
6 votes
1 answer

Is "קל ארך אפים" said if the Torah's not to be read from?

Tachanun is supplemented on Mondays and Thursdays by extended tachanunim starting "V'hu rachum". On those days, after tachanun is half-kadish (kadish l'ela, as some call it), a short paragraph that ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there any connection between longer Tachanun and Torah reading?

It just so happens to be that we say a longer Tachanun on Mondays and Thursdays. It also just so happens to be that we read the Torah publicly as part of the service on Mondays and Thursdays. Is ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the [reason for the] issur of "uvdah d'chol"

Why find things that are ossur to do on Shabbos not because they fall into the category of any particular "malacha" (type of work) but rather because of "uvdah d'chol". Something that is normally done ...
9 votes
3 answers

May a shofar be blown for recreational purposes?

I know the shofar is not to be blown on rosh hashana except when performing it for a mitzva, but is a shofer permitted to be blown when it is not shabbos or a chag for recreational (not mitzva or ...
1 vote
1 answer

Praying for Multiple Sick People in Amidah

In the blessing for healing (Amidah, blessing 8) the words offer an optional section to pray for the sick. However, the form does not offer an option for multiple people. If one is praying for ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why is the order of returning the sefer-torah different on shabbos than on weekday?

Why on shabbos is ashrai said before returning the sefer-torah and on weekday (nusach ashkenaz) afterwards. This cannot have to do with kaddish tiskabel since this is also done on rosh chodesh where ...
5 votes
2 answers

Is it better to daven in a Minyan throughout the week or on Shabbos?

Imagine someone had two job offers: You would have to live more than walking distance away from Shul. However, you could drive to Shul during the week (let's say that it's too expensive to live ...
3 votes
3 answers

Why don't we pray for happiness in the weekday amida?

Perhaps it is an assumption but I would suppose that Hashem would prefer us to serve him through simcha rather than through trepidation. There is certainly a virtue in ahavas Hashem over yirah. Ahava ...
10 votes
1 answer

When is the earliest time you can daven ma'ariv during the week?

When is the earliest time you can Daven Maariv on a weekday?
10 votes
1 answer

Why don't we have to work every non-Shabbos day?

We are told multiple times in the Torah ששת ימים תעבוד Six days you should work. But many people do not actually work 6 days a week. For example, in the United States, Sunday is considered a weekend ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the earliest time to daven maariv during the week? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: When is the earliest time you can daven ma'ariv during the week? On Shabbos one could accept Shabbos early and thereby daven Maariv early. During the week, when there is ...
4 votes
1 answer

To say the 13 midos in "tachanun" weekday mincha, should the Sha"tz wear a tallis?

I asked the question "The Gemoro in Rosh Hashono 17b says that HKB”H put on a talis like a shaliach tzibbur and taught Moshe the 13 middos and said whenever Israel sins they should perform before Me ...
7 votes
1 answer

May the prayer leader drink water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers?

I have seen the person leading the prayers taking a drink of water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers. Assuming he made a blessing (for the water, as usual before eating or drinking ...
8 votes
1 answer

Are weekday-afternoon naps permissible?

I wonder what Jewish law and thought say about taking weekday-afternoon naps. Are they encouraged? Allowed? Discouraged? Forbidden? Please cite sources.