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Yom Kippur that falls on Shabbat - Kiddush for the kids?

Specifically regarding a situation where one has young children who eat on Yom Kippur - is it a good idea, an obligation, forbidden, or a variable custom to make a proper Friday night for them, with ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Humans allowed to engage mida k'negged mida?

In my related question, What is the difference between mida k'negged mida and nekama, it was brought that the point of midda k'negged mida (one of the points, at least), is to help someone wake up ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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May Jews dress a child under the age of bar or bat mitzvah in clothing of the opposite gender

According to Halacha, may Jews dress a child under the age of bar or bat mitzvah in clothing of the opposite gender or no? Would it be forbidden because of the mitzvah of Chinuch, and this is a ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Learn more in depth vs basics with someone else

If a learned person has the choice of learning something by themselves that they never learned before and going in depth into it, vs learning with someone who otherwise wouldn’t learn but you’d be ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Difference between positive and negative Mitzvos when it comes to Chinuch

The Mishnah Berurah (343:3) writes that when it comes to positive Mitzvos, Chinuch begins from when the child is able to understand the purpose of that specific Mitzvah, but when it comes to negative ...
שלום's user avatar
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Is posting Torah to the internet considered teaching gentiles Torah?

Does the prohibition of teaching Torah to gentiles encompass putting Torah out on the internet for all to see?
Shababnik's user avatar
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What are Obligations of teachers to their students

What are the obligations of a teacher of the Torah to his students. Or what are the laws that a teacher, rebbe, Rav must follow.
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Socialising children - what does the Torah say?

Does the Torah have anything to say on socialising children? There are many relevant points. I would like to know at what age and in what method should one do so. Included in these points: At what ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who is "your teacher"?

There is an injunction that you may not give a halakhic opinion in the presence of "your teacher". The Talmud says: The sons of Aaron died only because they issued a halakhic ruling before ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
9 votes
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Permissibility of shortening long Brachot for teaching to children

Many children are old enough to learn short brachot (and somewhat understand them, if explained), but don't have the memory/patience for longer brachot. Frustratingly, many of the brachot that could ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Teaching Torah to circumcised non-Jews

In his supercommentary to Rashi Genesis 7:2, R. Yissechar Ber Eilenberg cites the following from his teacher R. Mordecha Yaffe: וטעם שאסור ללמוד תורה לגוי הוא מפני הערלה שבו ויש בו סוד שלא להכניס ...
Alex's user avatar
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Would it be right to teach Torah to a tinok shenishba if teaching him will cause him to cease being a tinok shenishba?

Say there is a person who is a tinok shenishba according to all opinions. Is there any problem with teaching him Torah if it will cause him to cease being a tinok shinishba and it seems likely that ...
Nosson's user avatar
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General Halachic approach to smartphones [closed]

There seem to be so many dangers to owning "smartphones," for both children and adults. Access to violent, explicit, manipulative images, video, text, etc. The technology itself is designed to be ...
Shir Yaakov's user avatar
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Should you fire a Torah teacher if a better one is available?

If you find a better Torah teacher, is it halachically OK to fire the existing one? The Talmud says: A certain schoolteacher mistreated his students. Rav Acha made him vow [that he would not teach ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Definition of "Tinok" for the status of "Melamdei Tinokos"

Looking for sources that describe what ages the word "tinok" or "tinokes" refers to for the halachic ramifications that related to "Melamdei Tinokos", teachers of tinokos (who have rules that relate ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Examples of halacha v'ein morin ken

There are some actions which are permitted, but we do not teach about, in order that people will not abuse or misuse the law. This is called halacha v'ein morin ken ("halacha, but it is not taught"). ...
ezra's user avatar
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Are women allowed to write a commentary on a book of Tanakh in Orthodox Judaism?

Miryam was a prophetess, and Deborah was a judge. Are women allowed to teach men or to write a commentary on a book of Tanakh according to halakhah?
Clifford Durousseau's user avatar
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Is it permissible to make money from writing Torah books?

I know that Torah needs to be taught for free (Hilchos Talmud Torah 1.2): ...אסור ללמד תורה בשכר שנאמר ואותי צוה ה' בעת ההיא ללמד אתכם חוקים ומשפטים מה אני בחנם אף אתם בחנם...‏ And, if not ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Does Judaism believe in letting people know about judasim? [duplicate]

Let us say that proselytizing is against Judaism, what about just letting people know that there is a religion called Judaism and tell them a little bit about it just to put it out there for them, to ...
menachem's user avatar
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What teshuvot address educating children on inappropriate touch? [closed]

A friend of a non-observant family shared a story which inspired this question. Two cousins were playing together. The boy was about 7 years old. The girl was about 3 years old. Early on, the mother ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Protecting love for Hashem

The Sh'ma opens with the commandment to love the L_rd your G_d with all your heart, all your soul and all your resources. To help protect the sanctity of Shabbat, there are laws which build a fence ...
chrysanthemum's user avatar
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Teaching halacha to children with halachically invalid "props"

The Talmud (Sukkah 2b; cited also here) implies that chinukh (educating children in halacha observance) necessitates that the mitzvah be fulfilled according to its halachik details (at least with ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Chinuch of shofar blowing

The following is a quote from the Shulchan Aruch: הלכות ראש השנה-סימן תקצו - תשלום תקיעות לאחר התפלה, ובו סעיף אחד א. לאחר תפלה מריעים תרועה גדולה בלא תקיעה. הגה: ויש מקומות נוהגין לחזור ...
user6591's user avatar
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Kids waiting between meat and milk

There is a rabbinic obligation to wait between meat and dairy though customs are diverse regarding how long to wait, ranging from 1 hour (for those who come from e.g. Dutch communities) to the more ...
Loewian's user avatar
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How to answer the simple son?

In the debate over how to respond to a question about leaning during a seder that took up a noticeable amount of time in chat a question was danced around. The debate was mostly centered around how to ...
BSteinhurst's user avatar
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Is it considered "marit ayin" if boys and girls stroll together on Shabbat?

I have heard of a number of yeshivot that have a strict rule regarding boys and girls being with each other. Their rule is "simple" - outside of your own family members, it should be never for any ...
DanF's user avatar
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Lifnei Iver for a chinuch-age child

Is there a prohibition of lifnei iver (causing or being an accessory to someone else's sinning) for a child who has reached the age of chinuch (education to mitzvos, the point at which he/she should ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Can one practice saying Kaddish by oneself, for educational purposes? [duplicate]

If someone wants to get better at saying one of the Kaddishes (Kaddish d'Rabbanan, Kaddish Yatom [Mourners], etc.), is it permissible to say the Kaddish out loud by oneself? Kaddish is classified as ...
Mike's user avatar
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Should one make a bracha on food if only a child is eating?

I think it is common to make a bracha (blessing) when giving a small child food so that they learn the common brachot and learn to say "amen". Is this appropriate to do if you are not eating the food ...
Mike's user avatar
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Does a teacher have to ask forgiveness for embarrassing a student after scolding him?

If a teacher/rebbi scolded a student for making fun of another student, and this rebuke was given in front of others, which embarrassed the student, does the rebbi have to ask that student for ...
Shraga's user avatar
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Can a man fulfill his mitzvah of Talmud Torah through his sons?

A Jewish man has an obligation to learn Torah. However, not every Jewish man is capable of learning well. Even if he would quit his job and go to a full time kollel, he wouldn't accomplish that much,...
Jake's user avatar
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What is the halacha regarding the expulsion of a student deemed a "nuisance student"?

Are there Halachic sources regarding the expulsion of a "nuisance student"? Or Halachic sources of not expelling a "nuisance student"? (Is this issue ever addressed as a real halachic issue?) Below ...
Just Curious's user avatar
6 votes
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Buying pasul arba minim or non-arba minim for your small child

The Shulchan Aruch in siman 657 says that a child which knows how to shake the lulav properly, his father is obligated to buy a lulav for him (because of chinuch). The Beur Halacha d"h keday ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Why don't most American orthodox Jews send their kids to public school?

Given the benefits of a public school education over private day school education, such as $0 tuition and technology and extra curriculars which many schools do not have, why don't most orthodox ...
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Is one permitted to study other religions?

Is one allowed to study other religions? If not, how is one supposed to know that Judaism is correct? If yes, is such study encouraged?
Ish Ploni ViKohen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Commiting to a group's educational system

In a community where spaces are scarce in educational institutions, may a Jewish institution refuse a child if the parents will not commit to letting the child continue in that group's separate ...
Adám's user avatar
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Deception to defeat an agenda [closed]

The local daycare affiliated with a major chassidic group will only take a child if the parents commit to having the child continue in the group's school. Is one allowed to knowingly deceive the ...
Adám's user avatar
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Writing notes and highlighting in the Tanakh

Is taking notes and highlighting in a Hebrew/English Tanakh considered defacing the text?
Yosef Camire's user avatar
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Understanding the beating of students

As mentioned in a previous question, the Shulkhan Aruch, O''C 551:18 writes: צריך ליזהר מי"ז בתמוז עד ט' באב שלא לילך יחידי מד' שעות עד ט' שעות (משום שבהם קטב מרירי שולט) ; ולא יכו התלמידים בימים ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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Should I only make one Berachah, or should I make one on each different food?

When I was in "Pirchei" boys' youth groups as a child, at snack time I was taught to make a "Mezonos" on my cake, "Shehakol" on my drink, and "Haetz" on my sliced fruit. Then, at the end, the group ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Why not focus on halacha in elementary education?

From the Mishna B'rura's introduction to the rules of Shabas: …But by what means can we arrive at this level: that one keeps Shabas in all its details? The advice on this is that one urge himself ...
msh210's user avatar
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Announcements before אשרי

I am in high school and in the morning my principal makes announcements before אשרי at the end of שחרית. The announcements often have absolutely nothing to do with davening. For example, he will tell ...
2345678876543's user avatar
19 votes
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Does a fathers obligation to teach his sons a parnassah extend to his daughters too?

A father has an obligation to teach his sons Torah, a parnassah and to swim. To what extent do these obligations extend to his daughters too? (edited to include my explanation from the comments) As ...
follick's user avatar
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Greek Mythology in Jewish Day Schools

Is there any issue with the general studies department of a Jewish day school teaching Greek mythology to the students?
YDK's user avatar
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Mitzvot for ketanim?

Are there any mitzvot that kids under bar/bat mitzvah are obligated to keep? (not including for "educational purposes")
cube's user avatar
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Putting Tefillin on Un-educated Jews

May one put tefillin on an uneducated Jew without first explaining to him the laws of keeping his body clean and conveying to him the seriousness of the sanctity of tefillin (is that even possible?)?
Yahu's user avatar
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