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Baal Haleshem on Bitachon

I have seen several people mention the position of the R' Shlomo Elyashiv z"l, the "Baal Haleshem", on trust, bitachon. He seems to be one of the main sources for a position different ...
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The Chazon Ish's definition of bitachon

The Chazon Ish wrote in the book Emunah U'Bitachon Chapter 2 that the definition of bitachon is NOT the mistaken belief that when faced with 2 possible outcomes one must believe that the better (or ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Is there a source where Emuna and Bitachon are described as separate ideas?

In the sefer Emuna UBitachon, the Chazon Ish popularized the idea that Emuna and Bitachon are really two parts of one idea, one being the belief in the idea, and one being the idea believed in. Is ...
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