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Questions tagged [chazal]

16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Are we allowed to assume that a Rabbi may have not thought of something?

Sometimes in reading a difficult Rishon or Acharon, you come across a statement which seems limited and difficult to understand. Sometimes it's what seems to be an answer to a question which skims ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Where do we learn out that Nimrod tried to make himself into a deity?

I've always vaguely remembered the conventional story of Nimrod declaring himself a god and Avraham challenging him to change the course of the sun, etc. But after doing some active digging, it seems ...
Engidu's user avatar
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Sleep Paralysis in Torah?

My friend recently mentioned to me that he has sleep paralysis and I was wondering what the Torah has to say about it: Why does it happen according to the Torah? How does one stop it from happening ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Middah keneged middah vs Moddedin

I've seen two expressions used by Chazal: Hashem judges a person מידה כנגד מידה, measure for measure, for example Nedarim 32a במידה שאדם מודד בה מודדין לו, by the measure a person uses They use to ...
robev's user avatar
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A list of quotes from ChaZaL about astronomy

I am learning some rudimentary astronomy at the moment. I am limiting myself to phenomena that can be observed with the naked eye. My aim is to get a complete understanding of the motion of the seven ...
James Read's user avatar
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If Israel traveled in the same formation as they camped then what does it mean that they broke camp consecutively of one another?

Rashi (Bamidbar 10:25) quotes a disagreement whether Israel traveled as a line or a square: מאסף לכל המחנות – תלמוד ירושלמי (ירושלמי ערובין ה':א'): לפי שהיה שבטו של דן מרובה באוכלוסין היה נוסע ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Chazal on pronounciation (according to Koren)

In his introduction to the Koren siddur, Eliyahu Koren claims: A window thou shalt make to the ark,” says God to Noah, and our sages took this also to mean that the correct pronunciation of the words ...
Yishai De Costa's user avatar
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Mishenichnas Adar: only for second month?

In a Jewish leap year like 5784, we have two Adars (Adar I & Adar II). While the famous Memra of Chazal tells us to increase simcha in Adar, this would presumably only apply in the month of which ...
TORAHistheikur's user avatar
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How did the Tannaim/Amoraim learn Tanach?

Where the question is coming from: An absolute essential requirement for any Tanna/Amora would be to have the whole of Tanach at their fingertips. Maybe not photographically memorized, but they should ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is there a place in Gemarra or Chazal that describes or recommends using Memory Palaces?

I have read that a number of ancient philosophers, western and eastern, describe the use of Memory Palaces as an aid to memory. Is there also a place in Chazal with such a recommendation or ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Historicity of Chazal

What do traditional sources (particularly Rishonim and their predecessors) say about the historical accuracy of Chazal's statements?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Is there a connection between "מקום מים רעים" and "מקום מים יפים"?

In Avot D'Rabbi Nathan 14:6 it says: "כשיצאו מלפניו הוא אמר אלך לדמסית למקום יפה ומים יפים ונאים והם אמרו נלך ליבנה למקום שתלמידי חכמים מרובים אוהבים את התורה הוא שהלך לדמסית למקום יפה ומים יפים ...
Harel13's user avatar
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"Adam needs kavod to live" - source

I've heard the idea that humans need kavod to live being quoted as a maimer chazal from the Gemara but I'm not sure where it comes from, does anyone know of something similar?
ak0000's user avatar
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Why connecting Information and Verses

There is a Pasuk in Shmot 24:12 that says: I will give you the stone tablets, the Law and the commandments, which I have written to instruct them. The Gemara in Berachot 5a explains that the tablets ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Rishonim & Chazal on Bereishit as allegory/metaphorical

I know the Rambam stays Maaseh Bereishit is largely allegory. I wanted to know if there are other Rishonim Geonim and/or Chazal sources that are similar or agreeing with the Rambam. Sometimes people ...
eitan kastner's user avatar
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Structure and Rhyme of early songs

I was hoping someone could help me. I am trying to understand the structure and rhythm of Teffilos and Piyutim written by chazal or early Rishonim. understanding the zemiros of shabbos and other songs....
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar