Questions tagged [chametz-leaven]

Something made from one of the five grains, and which has been allowed to rise (leaven). Forbidden to eat or possess during Pesach (Passover).

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1 vote
0 answers

Minhag Oberland Selling Chametz

Does anyone by any chance know if the oberlander minhag is to sell chametz or not? Thank you very much
8 votes
1 answer

Are there communities which permit oats on Pesach?

It's a bit controversial that oats are considered chametz. While Rashi (Pesachim 35b, et. al.) translates Shiboles Shu'al as oats, not all Rishonim agree to this definition. For instance, the Rambam (...
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0 answers

Mafkir Chametz in a bin over Pesach [duplicate]

If bin/trash collection day is during or after Pesach, is it possible to leave chametz in the bin, do the bittul, and mafkir (disown and make ownerless) it, and leave it off the property (is that ...
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2 answers

Translating the "Targum" in Dirshu Mishna Berura

The Targum on Dirshu Mishna Berura (454:13) translates גרויפי"ן as גריסים (beans) and רעצק"ע as כסמת טחונה דק (ground spelt). Those translations don't seem to make sense in the context of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a mitzvah of bedikat chametz in cars

According to Halacha are Jews obligated to do bedikat chametz before Passover in cars? Or no, is there not an active obligation to search for chametz before Pesach in cars?
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1 answer

Baking matzah erev Pesach after chatzos

The Shulchan Aruch OH 458 says that the minhag is to make the matzos mitzvah for the Seder Night on Erev Pesach after noon (chatzos). נוהגים שלא ללוש מצת מצוה בערב פסח עד אחר שש שעות שהוא זמן הקרבת ...
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Matzah baking in a frying pan - flipping the matzah

Do regular matzah bakeries flip the matzah in the middle of baking? I heard from a rabbi not to do that, but I see videos where they flip it. What are the issues here? Update: I want to make the ...
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1 answer

Cleaning clothes before Passover?

Does one have to clean all their dirty clothes before Pesach (on the principle of being careful to washout all the chametz from their house)? What is the general Halakha for your clothing collections (...
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May Jews own gift cards redeemable for Chametz on Passover [duplicate]

In Halacha, is it prohibited for Jews to own gift cards which can be redeemed for chametz over passover or no? Obviously they are prohibited from using it for chametz, but if there is a gift card for ...
3 votes
1 answer

Making matzah at home

This is a follow-up question to 18 minute matzah cutoff (and see also Where does the notion that the *entire* matza process must be done in under 18 minutes come from?) I know this isn't the standard ...
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Fish food on Pesach

In the Hidabrot this week they had the following statement: This means Fish food since it is disgusting for humans to eat it does not need to be Kosher for Pesach… I did a search on Otzer Hachochma ...
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18 minute matzah cutoff

Having learned some of the sources for baking matzah (OH 453-461, more or less), I discovered something that surprised me. The time for how long it takes to (possibly) become chametz is given as a ...
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1 answer

Selling chametz if two people share a house?

I was just wondering a general law about the sale of chametz (specifically through but also in general), that if two people jointly own a house, then should they each individually fill out ...
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Birkat hamazon for chametz on Passover

On Passover, if a Jew consumes Chametz because they have to for Pikuach Nefesh, do they recite Birkat Hamazon afterwards? Of course this would be more than the minimum amount to be liable on Pesach, (...
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Raw pasta on Pesach

How can raw pasta be considered chametz on Pesach if it is not fit for consumption (אינו ראוי לאכילת כלב)?
-1 votes
3 answers

What is Chametz?

During Pesach and Chag Matztzoth, there are many beliefs of what needs to be removed during this time, and what chametz actually is. I.e., there’s the removal of just yeast, then there’s the removal ...
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1 answer

Does Bitul Bshishim apply to Chametz?

You’ve heard of the Halacha that a meat item smaller than a sixtieth in a dairy product is considered nullified, right? Well does that apply to something chametz in an otherwise non-chametz product?
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2 answers

Bal Tashchit and Chametz

Before Pesach, it is common to attempt to get rid of whatever chametzdik food one is able to. Taking this and the issur (prohibition) of bal tashchit into account, is it actually permissible to throw ...
5 votes
1 answer

Oats for matzah - contemporary poskim

There are different opinions among the Rishonim about שבולת שועל, one of the "five grains" that can become chometz and can be used to make matzah. Some say that it is oats, and that seems to ...
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1 answer

Chametz that is stuck to tape/velcro

What is one supposed to do with chametz that is stuck to something sticky like tape or velcro, that is impossible to remove completely but can be found and seen easily, in the lead up to pesach? For ...
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3 answers

Can an induction hob be kashered on Pesach?

Induction cooking involves an alternating magnetic field in a coil underneath a smooth glass/pyrex surface. This alternating field induces eddy currents in an iron pot placed on the hob. In turn, ...
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what is chimutz chemichaly?

distantly related: Is chimutz a wholly physical phenomenon? I searched but could not find a question like this on the site but here it goes. Has there been any understanding of what חימוץ is? Meaning ...
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2 answers

Can you say the Birkas Hagomel on Shabbos or Pesach?

We do not say “Mizmor LeSodoh” on those days when a Korban Todah could not be brought. So we do not say it on Shabbos or Yom Tov because you could not bring individual offerings on those days and we ...
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2 answers

Can you use an LED light array for searching for chametz?

Would this portable LED light array which has 30 LEDs spread over an area of around 6 inches by 1 inch be suitable for bedikat chametz? If not, why would a traditional beeswax candle be better? The ...
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Burning chametz before the sixth hour

The Mishna in Pesachim 1:5 says (Open Mishna translation): וְעוֹד אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוּדָה, שְׁתֵּי חַלּוֹת שֶׁל תּוֹדָה פְסוּלוֹת מֻנָּחוֹת עַל גַּג הָאִצְטַבָּא. כָּל זְמַן שֶׁמֻּנָּחוֹת, כָּל הָעָם ...
3 votes
1 answer

When does ethanol become Chametz?

I don’t know much about chemistry or alcohol, so please bear with me for a moment. At what point does wheat- or barley-derived ethanol become Chametz? Is it naturally Chametz, or does it require a ...
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Should a married woman nullify chametz too?

Rav Shimon Eider in the Halachos of Pesach (IX:C:5) says: "Some Poskim hold that a married woman should nullify personal chometz." However, in footnote 70 Rabbi Eider writes this isn't found ...
2 votes
2 answers

Kashrut Status of Certain Oral Tobacco Products During Pesach

NOTE: I plan to pose this question to a qualified Rav. But first I am trying to think through the relevant issues to get a sense of how one might pasken this. My question is regarding whether snus ...
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1 answer

Bedikas Chametz if staying at someones house (30 days prior to and) during Pesach

I was looking on halachapedia and different sources, but I couldn't find an answer to a particular question: If a Jew is staying at someone else's house (whether a Jew or a gentile, but let's say it'...
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0 answers

Angels visiting Abraham during Pesach [duplicate]

I start it from the end: regarding Lot it is written (Bereishit 19:3): וַיִּפְצַר־בָּ֣ם מְאֹ֔ד וַיָּסֻ֣רוּ אֵלָ֔יו וַיָּבֹ֖אוּ אֶל־בֵּית֑וֹ וַיַּ֤עַשׂ לָהֶם֙ מִשְׁתֶּ֔ה וּמַצּ֥וֹת אָפָ֖ה וַיֹּאכֵֽלוּ׃...
9 votes
2 answers

What happens if Chametz was sold to a 'Gentile' who was later found out to actually be Jewish?

Let's say the congregational rabbi, acting as the agent for about 200 congregants sells the chametz to a Gentile before Pesach begins. During Hol Hamo'ed, someone tells the Gentile, "You know, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Making Chameitz Hefker on Shabbat

This year, because Erev Pesach is on Shabbat, the completion of the burning (done on Friday, after a search on Thursday night), is the second (slightly expanded) recitation of the Kol Chamira on ...
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0 answers

Someone who doesn't sell chametz gamur, yet accidentally put it with things to be sold

The following is purely hypothetical (;-)). Someone has the custom to not sell chametz gamur before Pesach, ie. real chametz items like cakes, cookies, bread, etc. They only sell things that might ...
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0 answers

Can you buy chametz during Pesach that will be delivered after Pesach?

As an example, during Hol Hamo'ed Pesach, could you buy chametz online knowing that it will arrive after Pesach? My assumption is that it would be OK, as the buyer doesn't actually own the product ...
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1 answer

How much beer/whisky would one have to consume to be chayav m’doaraisa?

How much beer/whisky would one have to consume to be chayav m’doaraisa? Also why biblically is there a prohibition on liquid chometz if it’s in the form of a liquid and not leavened bread? We know by ...
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2 answers

Ratios of Hameitz-to-Other for Owning

For the prohibition of owning hameitz on passover, what is the ratio of hameitz-to-other that makes a mixture hameitz? The prohibition of owning hameitz is a separate mitzvat lo-ta'asei, as listed by ...
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1 answer

Must a publicly owned building be cleaned for Passover?

Is the community responsible to have publicly owned buildings (such as synagogues, batei midrashot and libraries) cleaned for pesach? Does it matter if it will be used or not over the holiday? If ...
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1 answer

Selling chametz before burning it?

During a shiur, I heard the Dayan of the Chasam Sofer first sold his chametz, and then bought chametz to burn. Why would someone specifically sell their chametz before biur chametz?
6 votes
2 answers

What is the preferable form of Biur Chametz?

While burning the chametz is clearly the most popular, it is really not the only solution to disposing of it right before Pesach. Other solutions I remember learning about are scattering it in the sea,...
4 votes
1 answer

Connections between Biur Chametz and Tashlich?

Are there any commentators that discuss the parallels between the rituals of biur chametz and tashlich? At a surface level, both involve destroying or eliminating bread, one via fire and one via ...
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Burning chametz when one still has chametz left over

While it is accepted that the mitzva of biur chametz can be accomplished in different ways (see e.g. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 445:1 and Mishna Berurah 445:1-2, cited here), there is also an accepted ...
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1 answer

Must one sell poisonous Play-Doh to a non-Jew for Pesach?

Being that Play-Doh contains dough ingredients, and that one need not sell something that even a dog won't consume, may one improvise and put cyanide in their children's Play-Doh, thereby rendering it ...
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Burning chometz with an electric fire?

Assuming we treat electric appliances that create glowing red metal as fire in regard to shabbos, is anyone aware of any teshuva that discuss using it for burning chometz (aside from the Rashash ...
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Can you eat foods during Passover, if you already opened and ate from the package before Passover?

Let's say that a person opens a jar of pickles that is kosher for Passover, and eats from it during the week before Passover starts. Can the jar still be used during Passover?
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1 answer

Does food absorb a chametz ta'am if there is no heat (or equivalent) involved?

This is a case where I am fairly certain that I know the practical halacha, but don't understand the issues underlying the practice. Let's say you chop up some apples and nuts before Pesach on a ...
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1 answer

the lechem hapanim was NOT chametz - where is the source for this?

We had the discussion what happened with the lechem hapanim on Pessach and the answer is that it was NOT chametz. Where can I read up on this fact? There were actually only TWO instances of chametz in ...
7 votes
2 answers

Continuing a meal once chametz is prohibited

One starts a bread meal on the morning of erev pesach. One finishes eating all of the bread (and removes all crumbs etc.) before the end of the day's fourth hour, but wants to continue the meal by ...
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Parched grain at seder

Pesachim 109a has קליות given to the kids at Seder. Is there an issue of this "parched grain" being chametz? How would it be made? Like matzah? How would they make it appealing to kids?
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(Auto)paying for chametz on Pesach [duplicate]

My understanding is that one only acquires movable objects, such as food items, by moving them physically (e.g. lifting or pulling them; or by acquiring them along with land; or via chalipin exchange, ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Deriving benifit from Chametz on pesach [duplicate]

Someone asked this and I can't find the question anymore but i found a source to answer this. Can one derive benefit from chametz on Pesach?

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