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Questions tagged [chalav-yisrael-jewishmilk]

Chalav Yisrael is milk that was watched by a Jew when the cow was milked to ensure kashrut.

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6 votes
4 answers

Unsupervised milk - there was a treife animal in the herd

I heard in a recent shiur that Dayan Weiss zatzal ruled that an animal that delivered its young via caesarean section is considered a treife. Therefore its milk cannot be drunk. When supervising ...
1 vote
1 answer

Sources for Allowing Cholov Stam

I'm aware that Rov Moshe ruled that cholov Stam is okay under pressing circumstances. Is there leniency in consuming cholov stam if one can easily afford Yisroel, but wants to save some money? Or if ...
2 votes
3 answers

Cholov Yisroel formula

Where in the world can there be found producers of the cholov yisroel formula (except Materna that does not ship to north America & US where, they don't like to ship and the Kenda from england) ? ...
2 votes
1 answer

What does the phrase tzatzuchey chalav mean here?

The Beth Yosef YD 115:3:10 uses the phrase "צחצוחי חלב". What does this phrase mean in this context? The subject here is about non Jewish milk, cheese, and butter and the heter of buying non ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does anyone know where to find cholov yisrael condensed milk?

Does anyone know what companies make or where to find cholov yisrael condensed milk? I'm having a really hard time finding it, I'm from New York
13 votes
8 answers

Chalav Yisrael milk: stringency or binding?

In a time where we know with enough certainty (when compared with other kashrut principles) that cow’s milk sold in most countries where we live is indeed cow’s milk, how do we know whether the laws ...
0 votes
3 answers

How can cheese which be both kosher for Pesach and use “unsupervised milk” (cholov akum)?

A certain Kashrus authority supervises cheese which is both kosher for Pesach and uses “unsupervised milk” (cholov akum). What level of supervision for cheese is needed to ensure it is kosher for ...
6 votes
5 answers

Why is there a prohibition of gevinat aku"m?

I vaguely recall that Talmud Avodah Zarah mentions a prohibition of eating gevinat akum - cheese manufactured by an idol worshipper (as I understand this definition.) If there already was a ...
7 votes
2 answers

What is the justification for not requiring "chalav Yisrael" cooking equipment for those who don't hold by R' Moshe's leniency?

As Shalom explained in his answer to a question about chalav Yisrael milk, R' Moshe Feinstein ruled that in countries where the local government regulations are sufficient to ensure that cow's milk is ...
5 votes
2 answers

May a Jewish baby nurse from a non-Jewish woman?

Does halacha allow letting a Jewish baby nurse from a non-Jewish woman (assuming Jewish wet nurses are available)? The Gemara says that Baby Moses refused to nurse from a non-Jewish woman, saying, "...
1 vote
1 answer

Are "kif kef" bars chalav Yisroel?

Specifically, I am looking at Israeli Kif Kef bars - the ones sold in the States. Presumably they are identical to the ones from Israel. See picture. The hechture is Bedatz.
4 votes
1 answer

Practice in Amsterdam regarding Chalav stam

The Pri Chadash 115:6 writes that one can drink milk that was not watched by a Yisroel in an instance where there are no non-kosher animals, or if the non-kosher milk would be more expensive. He ...
7 votes
4 answers

What is the point of a hechsher on Cholov Stam?

I assume that the widespread custom of eating/drinking Cholov Stam products (products using milk in which the milking was not observed by a Jew) is relying on the leniency of R' Moshe Feinstein that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Who holds that Cholov Yisroel is not a chumra? [duplicate]

Which groups or authorities consider Cholov Yisroel to be normative halacha and not a chumra? (Possibly equal to, "Who considers cholov stam treyf"?)
1 vote
2 answers

Do those who keep Cholov Yisroel eat products marked "K-DE"?

Some hechshers have the designation "DE" for "Dairy Equipment." Do those who keep Cholov Yisroel eat food with this designation? (I am mostly talking about the minority who consider [American] cholov ...
1 vote
0 answers

Kashruth of Perfect Day milk [duplicate]

News recently reported about a company in California that produces "Milk free Milk". The process -- which is all in a lab -- involves yeast and genetically modify them by adding DNA from a cow to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a directory or list of countries where chalav stam may be used? [duplicate]

Rav Moshe Feinstein, as I understand, permitted one to consume non-chalav Yisra'el products in U.S. (I assume Canada, as well.) I have heard from a few travelers that in most European countries, milk ...
4 votes
0 answers

where can I order chalav yisroel lactose online?

I would like to brew a milk stout. The way this is done is by adding lactose which is a sugar derived from milk. This adds sweetness in the form of a sugar which does not ferment. Adding other sugars ...
3 votes
2 answers

looking for a cholov yisrael product

Where can I find cholov yisrael evaporated milk, not powdered milk nor condensed, in the central NJ area? I have been unable to locate any.
5 votes
0 answers

R Moshe Feinstein on Chalav Stam [closed]

When does R Moshe's heter apply - is bshaas hadchak required? If so, what would constitute bshaas hadchak? Is it a minhag, or plainly Halachic, to insist on chalav yisroel where it is hardly available ...
0 votes
3 answers

How is one allowed to eat both cholov stam and pas palter?

Here is what I mean by this. It seems that most people who eat cholov stam do so according to R'Moshe Feinstien's leniency for cholov stam in the U.S. It would seem, however, that the Feinsteins were ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why does cholov yisroel milk have such a short shelf life?

Since I started keeping cholov yisroel at home, I've had to change my buying habits because the milk (and yogurt) spoils so fast. I've tried several brands from several stores, and it is always the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cholov akum and cholov yisroel

Is cholov akum 100% treif (not kosher)? If so why does it get a hechcher (kosher supervision stamp)? And if it's not treif, is it assur (forbidden)?
6 votes
2 answers

Statement about Cholov Yisroel following general expectations

In this article in Kosher Today speaking about the potential for the FDA to allow non-Kosher milk to be labeled as plain milk quotes an unnamed Kashrus Organization official as saying that milk as of ...
3 votes
2 answers

Cholov Yisroel "Kashered"

So I was eating one of my favorite meals -- a bunch of peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, and to pass the time, I looked at the package of cheese. It is "Natural and Kosher" by Anderson ...
11 votes
5 answers

In what countries is chalav yisrael not required for milk?

The Talmud says milk is not kosher unless a Jew supervises the milking, to be sure it's just kosher-animal milk. Assuming one goes by the ruling of R' Moshe Feinstein and others that "knowing" is ...
8 votes
3 answers

Is watching via webcam valid for cholov yisroel?

Would milk be considered cholov yisroel if someone was watching via webcam?
3 votes
0 answers

Verifying powdered milk

If someone keeps cholov Yisroel but is lenient when it comes to powdered milk, is there a halachically reliable/valid way to verify that a product is made with powdered milk as opposed to fresh milk, ...
4 votes
3 answers

Cholov Israel microwave

If someone is careful about only eating dairy which is Cholov Israel, is it OK to use a microwave which has been used for Cholov stam, without doing anything to kasher the microwave or wrapping the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are Rabbinic decrees binding forever, or can they be rescinded?

Regarding the rabbinic decrees instructed in the Talmud, how can one know that a particular rabbinic commandment is binding to all future generations and may not be rescinded or amended ever? . ...
8 votes
4 answers

What is the response to Maane Ligros regarding Cholov HaCompanies

The Sefer 1מענה לאגרות (page 221) argues on R. Moshe Feinshtein's leniency allowing industrially produced milk to not be watched by a Jew during the milking. His basic argument is that the Ramo says ...
8 votes
1 answer

chalav stam during aseres yemei tshuvah

The Shulchan Aruch says the during aseres yemei tshuva one who eats pas akum(palter) during the year should refrain during these days. Does this extend to those who are lenient with chalav Stam?
5 votes
4 answers

Powdered Milk - Chalav Yisroel

I have a child with a milk allergy. He will be undergoing a "baked milk" food challenge shortly. For this I need to bake him muffins with powdered milk. I have found several brands of kosher powdered ...
8 votes
1 answer

Does a Chalav Yisroel milk bottle help?

There are many stores out there (e.g. Coffee shops) that have a hechsher, but are Chalav Stam. To get around this issue, some of these stores offer the option to request Chalav Yisroel milk for those ...
1 vote
1 answer

Carnation Instant Breakfast substitute

Is there any non-dairy (or chalav yisrael) substitute for Carnation Instant Breakfast?