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Questions tagged [blessing]

Questions about short prayers called b'rachos ("benedictions" or "blessings"), generally said to praise/thank God for specific events.

69 questions from the last 365 days
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Can the words ״שתרגילנו בתורתך״ ever count as Birchas Hatorah?

The law is (Orach Chaim 47:7) that if one already recited the blessing of “Ahavas Olam/Ahavah Rabbah”, and recited words of Torah immediately after Shmoneh Esreh, he no longer needs to recite Birchas ...
Sholom's user avatar
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Why did Yitzchok give perhaps the worst answer to eisavs question [duplicate]

When Eisav asks Yakov Avinu where did my Bracha go, Yitzchok answers him and says your brother Yackov came to me cunningly and stole your bracha. There were a lot of much better answers Yitzchok could ...
pine5900's user avatar
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Source that Sarah laughed because she heard that the bracha for children was only temporary i.e. "You call that a bracha?"

In this answer I quote a lecture by Rabbi Manis Friedman, where he explains that Sarah heard that the beracha from the angel was only going to be temporary. Her laughter was a form of protest; a ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Do Fruits of Israel (dates grown and packed in Israel) require or have a special blessing?

Do Fruits of Israel (organic King Solomon dates grown and packed in Israel in Kibbuz Ne´ot Smadar, bought in German Alnatura store in Germany) require or have a special blessing? Thanks
Wackenrule's user avatar
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Finishing a Berachah when in doubt

If one said “Baruch Atah Ado-nai Elo-heinu Melech Ha’olam”, and then he realized that he shouldn’t have, because of a doubt as to whether he needed to make a Berachah, should he finish the Berachah, ...
Sholom's user avatar
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Saying Baruch Shem after possible Bracha Levatala

When you make a bracha in vain, you're supposed to recite Baruch Shem afterwards. What if you're not sure it was in vain? Normally, you wouldn't recite a bracha in case of doubt, but what if you did ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Techelet tallit katan and white talit gadol - which do I make a bracha on?

Assuming someone puts techelet on their talit katan, and regular white on their talit gadol. Is it preferable to make a bracha on the talit gadol, and cover the talit katan (to avoid an unncessary ...
Chani's user avatar
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Why do we intentionally not bless the festival after the haftarah on Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach? [duplicate]

On Shabbat Chol haMoed Pesach, all of my Ashkenaz siddurim will tell you to make the regular Shabbat blessing as the final one after the reading of the Haftarah. This is different than the instruction ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is ישמעאל Yishm'a-EL Shimon שמעון?

Famously in this week's parshah וְזֹ֣את הַבְּרָכָ֗ה V'zot haBrakah Moses our master gives his last will and testament, his ברכה berakah, benediction to each of the 12 Tribes of Israel But as many ...
הראל's user avatar
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Four Minim blessing with a lack of one Hadas myrtle

The one who blessed the 4 Minim and found out (retrospectively after the blessing) that one myrtle cloth fell on him on the way and blessed the set with only two myrtle instead of 3. Before the ...
Avi's user avatar
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Should someone say a bracha if he slept after removing his tallis?

Assuming the full time one would need to say a bracha otherwise hasn't passed but in that time the tallis wearer fell asleep. Let's say for an hour. If he had been awake he wouldn't have said a bracha ...
Dude's user avatar
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What to do regarding the Brachah on rice when the only other food you have is Ha'adama?

If one wants to eat cooked rice and a vegetable, should he/can he say Ha'adama on the vegetable first, and have in mind not to cover the rice, so that he can say Shehakol on the rice, according to ...
User123's user avatar
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Wrong Bracha Covers Other Food?

A Bracha made on one food covers anything same Bracha that A) one intends to consume in that sitting, or B) exists on one’s plate or table. Thus, if I’m sitting at a table with steak and mushrooms, I ...
Qwertrl's user avatar
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When we say brachos, why are there 2 pronouns for Hashem? [duplicate]

When we say shehakol for example, we say "ברוך אתה ה" and "שהכל נהיה בדברו" Why refer to Him in the second person, and for the rest of the bracha in the 3rd? Shouldn't it be "...
Shmuel T's user avatar
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If all Sefer torahs are possibly passul, how do we say a Bracha on reading it?

There are a few discrepancies in the Torah regarding spelling of specific words. These differences make no difference in the meaning. However, because a Sefer Torah is passul even if one letter is ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Making a bracha mentally in case of doubt

Normally, in cases where the necessity of a bracha is in doubt, we say safek brachos lehakel—skip the bracha rather than risk making one in vain. But there are opinions that you can make a bracha ...
shmosel's user avatar
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schehecheyanu and netilat yadaim [closed]

My wife made a new Netilat Yadaim cup in her pottery workshop, which turned out really beautiful and very nicely decorated. I am eager to say the shehecheyanu blessing the first time I perform a ...
 V. Rogov's user avatar
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What heter do Kiruv people (especially) and all of us have, feeding people who probably wont make a Brach [duplicate]

If you have a public/private psak regarding the halacha please include the Rav's name or sources please. We all have met this situation in our daily lives…not just in Kiruv…In business, irreligious ...
Abie Ross's user avatar
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“Redundant” morning blessing?

Some poskim say that if you mistakenly say Zokef Kfufim before Matir Asurim, one should not go back and say Matir Asurim.[3 ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Foods for a yahrzeit tikkun?

What are some foods or drinks customarily used for a morning tikkun for a yahrzeit? What is the basis for such a custom?
Lorne Katz's user avatar
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Genesis | Why weren't other land creatures blessed on the 6th day?

I've been looking over the creation with an eye towards the 10 utterances of creation ("Then God said...") and other instances where God spoke or blessed something. In Genesis 1:22, God ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Do we no longer practice the blessing on virginity and when did it go away?

In the responsa of Rav Hai Gaon (4:8) there is a record of a ceremony conducted after a marriage is consummated wherein the sheet displaying virginal blood is produced and a blessing (or perhaps ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is there a blessing upon betrothal through intimacy?

Based on the understanding that marriage is a mitzvah for a man, are there any sources which indicate a blessing should be said either before or after a husband engages in intercourse to betroth his (...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why are there no sheva brachos for geirim

Does anyone know the source that there are no sheva brachos for geirim? What happens when a ger marries a divorcee? Are there 3 days? Also, what is the reasoning behind it? If a ger is a “new person”, ...
vladimir ebel's user avatar
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Complete list of all known brachot with shem ha'meforash?

Is there a published book (or even a PDF) with a list of all known hazel(-ic) brachot b'shem ha'meforash? I'd like a list of every known bracha begining with "baruch ata hashem elokeinu melech ha'...
Mike's user avatar
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Why don't we say Likboa Mezuzos?

When putting up a mezuzah, we say the blessing Baruch....Asher Kideshanu...Likboa Mezuzah. This blessing is said whether putting up one mezuzah or putting up multiple. Why don't we say likboa Mezuzos ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Shiur for Al Hamichya

What is the minimum shiur to say Al Hamichya? If one eats a quantity of mezonos which is less than the shiur, should they say Borei Nefashos instead?
Wildin Bochur's user avatar
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What defines a room that crossing it would require you to make a new Bracha

BH Hi, I was told correct me if I’m wrong according to Lubavitch minhag every time you cross from one room to the next and you return to the room you were in before, if you had food there that you ...
David 's user avatar
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If saying a Beracha over a worldly benefit is a logical mitzva, are non believers exempt? Are Chazal saying Hashem's existence is a svara?

According to the Gemara (Brachot 35a), the halacha of saying a beracha before benefiting from the world is a svara; a halacha derived from logic: סברא הוא: אסור לו לאדם שיהנה מן העולם הזה בלא ברכה ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Reciting Birkat Shehechiyanu when purchasing a gun

Came across the article below, discussing if Shehecheyanu can be recited when a gun is purchased: האם לברך "שהחיינו" בקניית אקדח? מאת: נח זבולוני האם רכישת נשק אישי כמו אקדח, מחייבת את ברכת ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Should you say a beracha when you see a gentile child prodigy

The Talmud in tractate Berachot 58a mentions a beracha that should be recited when you see a gentile scholar. Many poskim hold it is required for the scholar mentioned in the Gemara to observe the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What does the Zohar mean when it says that there is no Blessing except for what has no Heshbon?

וּמְנוּחָתוֹ שֶׁל אוֹתוֹ שֹׁרֶשׁ יִשַׁי, שֶׁנִּקְרָא כְּבוֹד ה', לֹא יִמָּנֶה וְלֹא יַעֲמֹד בְּחֶשְׁבּוֹן לְעוֹלָם. מָה הַטַּעַם? (משום שהרי עומד בחשבון עתה, ובאותו זמן לא יעמד בחשבון. מה הטעם, ') ...
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Shehecheyanu on Lulav during Kiddush on Sukkot night?

If the Lulav and Esrog were in sight while one recited Shehecheyanu during Kiddush at night, should he skip Shehecheyanu on the Lulav the next day?
User123's user avatar
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Half Hallel without a bracha on Yom Ha'atzma'ut and/or Yom Yerushalayim

There are a number of posts here on Mi Yodeya discussing whether to say Hallel (or Half Hallel) on Yom Ha'atzma'ut and/or Yom Yerushalayim and whether or not to include the brachot at the start and ...
Edward B's user avatar
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Priestly blessing in feminine

In the standard Friday night blessing for children, the girls are blessed using the original passuk in the masculine, same as the boys. A long time ago, I was criticised by a secular person for ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Should Jews make Birkat Ha’ilonot on hydroponic fruit trees

According to Halacha, should the beracha of Birkat Ha’ilonot, made when seeing a fruit tree for the first time during the month of Nissan, be made on fruit trees which are grown hydroponically or ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What is the proper beracha for a mandarin chicken salad?

According to Halacha, what is the proper beracha to recite on a mandarin chicken salad? Is it Shehakol, Ha'etz, Ha’adamah, or something else?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Beracha on chocolate covered raisins [duplicate]

According to Halacha what is the proper beracha on chocolate covered raisins? Is it shehakol, haetz, or something else?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Why did the Gra not say an after-blessing after karpas?

Ma'aseh Rav 191 records the practice of the Gra at his seder: ומטבל בחומץ ומברך בפה"א ואוכל כזית ואינו מברך ברכה אחרונה ... ואומר אשר גאלנו ומברך בפה"ג ושותה הכוס He dips [the karpas] in ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why no bracha on telling the story of the Exodus?

Relating the story of the Exodus is a Biblical commandment. Why is there no bracha on specifically that? An answer on this site says that we talk about the Exodus in the kiddush, but that does not ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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What is the proper beracha on boba

According to Halacha, what is the proper beracha when drinking boba with boba balls? Is it shehakol or something else?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Making bracha again for same bracha

If I drink water now and say a bracha, and then in a few minutes decide to eat chicken, do I repeat my shehakol?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Is there a blessing for boring the ear of a slave?

In Shemot 21:6 the Torah states the commandment of God וְהִגִּישׁוֹ אֲדֹנָיו אֶל־הָאֱלֹקים וְהִגִּישׁוֹ אֶל־הַדֶּלֶת אוֹ אֶל־הַמְּזוּזָה וְרָצַע אֲדֹנָיו אֶת־אׇזְנוֹ בַּמַּרְצֵעַ וַעֲבָדוֹ לְעֹלָם׃ {ס}...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What is the proper beracha for Pancakes or waffles

According to Halacha what is the proper beracha (blessing) on pancakes or waffles? Is it considered like bread which requires hamotzi or is it considered more like cake which is mezonot?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Are women obligated in Birkat Hachama

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite Birkat Hachama? Or no, are they exempt from reciting it as a positive time bound commandment?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Minimum amount for beracha achorona

According to Halacha what is the Minimum amount to eat before Jews are obligated to recite a beracha achorona? Is it a disputed question?
Man of faith's user avatar
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What is the proper beracha on granola bars

According to Halacha what is the proper beracha to be made on granola bars? Is it mezonot or maybe something else? Is this question a machloket amongst the poskim?
Man of faith's user avatar
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May Jews fulfil 100 daily berachot by listening to the berachot recited by others?

According to Halacha is it permissible for Jews to fulfill their obligation to recite 100 berachot daily by having someone else recite some berachot for them, such as having someone else recite ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is saying 100 berachot daily biblical or rabbinic [duplicate]

In halacha, Jews should recite 100 berachot a day. My question is, is this requirement a biblical law or a rabbinic decree?
Man of faith's user avatar
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I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot for before and after chanting Torah in an Aliyah

I'm looking for regional melodies for the brachot sung before and after chanting Torah in an aliyah. I'd love to know the Ukrainian, the Belarusian, the Yemenite, the Ethiopian, the Iraqi, the ...
Sabra's user avatar
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