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Does an unnecessary blessing still count as a valid blessing?

If someone accidentally recited a blessing unnecessarily, e.g. he made a Berachah on a secondary ingredient for which he shouldn’t have, being that he already recited the Berachah for the main ...
שלום's user avatar
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Wrong ברכת הנהנין during הבדלה: what now?

This evening (after Shabas in the nine days), I recited havdala over a cup of beer, as every year. I knew it was beer, but, by force of habit, recited "hagafen" (the wine benediction) over it during ...
msh210's user avatar
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Hoeitz-Hoadama...I made a mistake [duplicate]

While studying gemorrah Brachos - the following was unclear to me: When a person makes a hoadama brocha, when he was supposed to make an hoeitz (ex. he wants to eat an apple), he either simply ...
user9701's user avatar
8 votes
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Incorrect bracha covering another food

Suppose someone is eating a fruit which requires a bracha rishona of ha'etz, but the person accidentally makes a ha'adama. Since ha'adama is the more general bracha, it covers his fruit and he does ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How far can I back up in a bracha?

If I start making a bracha over my pasta accidentally intending to say Shehakol (let's say I made the mistake because I normally just have a milkshake for lunch, not pasta, and I didn't put any ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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"Wrong" Berachoth exempting foods

'Al HaMihyah exempts 'Al Ha'Gefen, at least if it was said after eating grain products and grape juice/wine. Is this unique to this case, or is there a broader principle? Can a less specific ...
Seth J's user avatar
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