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0 votes
1 answer

Is there any special mitzvah connected with the upcoming “March for Israel” rally on November 14 at the National Mall in Washington DC?

Upon reflection, the last time there was a potentially world altering convergence of Jews in the United States was for the Freedom Sunday for Soviet Jewry Rally on December 6, 1987. It was estimated ...
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1 answer

Shehecheyanu on eyeglasses

Does one recite the blessing/berakha of Shehecheyanu on getting new eyeglasses or no? As always, sources are always appreciated.
2 votes
2 answers

Baruch hu ubaruch shemo - why omitted sometimes?

Why is "Baruch hu ubaruch shemo" omitted during the reciting of certain brachot such as meggilah and shofar?
2 votes
2 answers

What's the Bracha Rishona on oatmeal/oat flakes with cold milk?

What's the Bracha Rishona on oatmeal/oat flakes with cold milk? Is it Pri Adama or Mezonot? Do we need extra Sheakol on milk?
4 votes
0 answers

A medicinal drink turning into a pleasure drink mid-guzzle

I am not, to my knowledge, thirsty, but I need to take a pill with water, so I do so without a beracha (see Shulchan Aruch OC 204:7). As I swallow the pill, I realise that I am enjoying the water, and ...
12 votes
5 answers

No Bracha on Kibud Av Va'eim?

Why do we not make a Bracha (e.g. every morning) on the mitzvah of honoring one's parents?
4 votes
4 answers

Why no brocho on geirushin?

B"H Brochos are said before doing (almost?) all mitzvos, specifically those connected with a specific action. Before getting engaged to a woman there is a brocho. It is a mitzvah that if one is ...
6 votes
1 answer

Does Rav Sa`adya Gaon hold that t'philin require one b'rakha or two?

I see in the Sidur HaRasa"g that he makes a seemingly strange comment about the b'rakha(oth) of t'philin. He states: התפילין כשמהדקים של היד על היד ושל ראש על הראש צריך לברך אקבמ"ו להניח תפילין ...
1 vote
0 answers

Saying berachot "in your heart"?

It seems that l'chatchila one should say berachot out loud to fulfill one's obligation (see for example Shulchan Aruch here). The stipulation of the SA is that if the blessing is inaudible, one is ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is a silent/mental bracha considered valid?

It appears to be the custom everywhere to say brachot out loud that others can hear. However, I recall that Shimon Bar Yochai in the Gemara prescribes saying your brachot very quietly and in all ...
3 votes
1 answer

After-blessing upon drinking during a meal, when no longer feeling satiated but thirst is still quenched

If one is no longer feeling satiated from the meal he had, for which he can no longer recite Birkas Hamazon, would he still need to recite Al Hagefen or Borei Nefashos for what he drank during his ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does one need to have the water fountain running while reciting the blessing?

When one recites a blessing, the item upon which the blessing is recited must be in front of him. The question is: if one is drinking from a water fountain, would he need to have it running while ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does an unnecessary blessing still count as a valid blessing?

If someone accidentally recited a blessing unnecessarily, e.g. he made a Berachah on a secondary ingredient for which he shouldn’t have, being that he already recited the Berachah for the main ...
4 votes
1 answer

When can you make a bracha mentally?

The Taz to SA Orach Chaim 62:4 says in exigent cirumstances you can make a bracha mentally instead of verbalizing it: מזה יש ללמוד במי שצמא בלילה במטתו שא"א לו ליטול ידיו ולברך יהרהר הברכה בלבו ...
0 votes
1 answer

Making a mistake in Brachot

BH If you say a Bracha and make a mistake on the words Baruch or Ata or Elokeinu or Melech or HaOlam do you have to say the bracha over and if you do is it considered Levatalah because you say the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Tofel and Ikar - In the case of a mixture of Tofel and Ikar, what happens if some spoonfuls are just Tofel?

I have just done some learning on this and a question I didn't see answered was the following case: One has a mixture of food, let's say a stew. They decided that the Ikar was the meat, and the ...
1 vote
2 answers

What's the point of a bracha before eating?

B"H The Gemara in Brochos says that anyone who benefits from this world with a brocho is as if he benefited from "holy sacrificial food" (which should only be eaten by a kohen etc.) The ...
8 votes
4 answers

Niagara Falls does it require a Bracha if so which one?

Do you make a bracha when seeing Niagara falls, and, if a bracha is made, which bracha?
13 votes
4 answers

Bracha on frozen grape juice

For a cold dessert, I often like to freeze a cup of grape juice and then eat it with a spoon like an Italian ice. What is the appropriate bracha to say before and after eating this delicacy?
3 votes
3 answers

Bracha covering something retroactively

If I made a bracha on some of the items of food that were in front of me, then realized that this bracha also applies to another of the foods in front of me, do I need to make a new bracha? If not ...
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0 answers

Is it OK to stutter while saying brachot? [duplicate]

Is it halachically acceptable to repeat words due to stuttering while saying a Bracha, as long as all the words are said?
6 votes
1 answer

Birkas Hamitzvah on food which is normally assur, but allowed due to pikuach nefesh

From Making a bracha on food which is normally assur, but allowed due to pikuach nefesh, if you eat normally forbidden foods because of pikuach nefesh, you make a bracha on them. Does the same apply ...
7 votes
1 answer

Ramifications of eating (or forcing to eat) food one doesn’t like

Avos D’Rebbi Nassan 26:5 says (translation is from Artscroll, and brackets are from their footnotes): הוא היה אומר האוכל אוכלין שאינם עולים על גופו עובר משום ג' לאוין שביזה את עצמו וביזה את האוכלין ...
1 vote
4 answers

Does a woman recite Birchas HaGomel? (Blessing on being saved from danger)

When a miracle occurs to someone he makes a Bracha, HaGomel after Kriyas HaTorah. What does a lady do if a miracle occured to her? Does she say the Bracha or does she not? If she does then when does ...
7 votes
1 answer

What b'rachot do you say (and when) if you drink intermittently all day?

I know people who drink water, tea, or coffee intermittently all day long, not just as part of a meal. In that situation, when would you say what b'rachot? Assume you made shehakol before the first ...
2 votes
2 answers

Advice for when to say "Boreh Nefashot" [duplicate]

Boreh Nefashot, the after-bracha (blessing) for all foods not covered by Hamotzi and Me'en Shalosh, is tricky, because it covers the things one might partake of often. Example, someone has a drink on ...
10 votes
3 answers

Do you make a new bracha on lightning & thunder when catching up to the same storm?

This M.Y. question cites Shulchan Aruch O.C. 227 that states that as long as it is overcast, one recites the blessing on lightning / thunder once (unless the storm continues into the next day.) If it ...
7 votes
1 answer

Blessing on Star Anise

Star anise is technically the fruit of the evergreen tree Illicium verum. However, this fruit is not used as an edible fruit, only as a spice. What blessing do the authorities determine is the right ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bracha of leshev basuccah sitting down

The Mishna Berura says in three places (that I know of) that every birchas hamizvah must be said standing up (סי' ח' ס"ק ב', סי' תפט שעה"צ ס"ק ז', וסי' תקפה ס"ק א-ב). If this is ...
12 votes
3 answers

Peanut butter Bracha

What Brochah or Blessing is said when eating plain Peanut butter? Does the chunky variety (with pieces) versus regular make a difference? I am referring to a case where it is eaten on a spoon, with ...
7 votes
3 answers

What Bracha do you make on craisins?

What Bracha do you make on craisins (dried cranberries)? Is it a HaAdama as fresh cranberries or is it Shehakol as it is dried with a significant amount of sugar? Sources please.
7 votes
2 answers

What is the bracha for mushrooms?

What bracha do you make on mushrooms?
7 votes
4 answers

Amen on the Telephone

Can you answer amen to a Baracha that was made over the telephone?
2 votes
5 answers

Which Brachas are said only once a year?

I am looking for a list of Berachos/blessings that are recited a maximum of once per year. Which blessings (from prayer, Jewish rituals, or otherwise, by men or women) are recited only once per year?...
2 votes
2 answers

why don't we say a brocho on the Hagadah?

B"H the rule is is that we usually say brochos over Mitvos that we do. Since it's a Mitzvah to tell over the story of going out of Egypt on the first night of Pesach [as it even says in the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is a Shehakol blessing required when drinking water in order to not become thirsty?

The Sulchan Aruch in Orach Chayim 204:7 rules: השותה מים לצמאו מברך שהכל ולאחריו בנ"ר אבל אם חנקתיה אומצא ושותה מים להעביר האומצא אינו מברך לא לפניו ולא לאחריו: Whomever drinks water to quench ...
2 votes
1 answer

Where does it say that one who already said the morning blessings can go and repeat them as prayer leader?

I was told that someone who had already said the morning blessings can go and repeat them as prayer leader. This was said even though it seems to me that no-one relies on the prayer leader to acquit ...
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0 answers

Prayer leader does not mention מלך in blessing - should I not say אמן

Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 214 says כל ברכה שאין בה הזכרת שם ומלכות אינה ברכה Any blessing which does not mention Hashem's name and Kingship is not a blessing. If a prayer leader in a blessing ...
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0 answers

At a seder, If each kos has its own pri hagafen bracha, why does the afikoman not have its own al achilat matza bracha? [duplicate]

At an Ashkenazi seder, If each kos has its own pri hagafen bracha, why does the afikoman not have its own al achilat matza bracha?
6 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to say the Asher Yatzar in the bathroom?

I found this information which says when to recite the blessing. Does one recite it in the bathroom or does one wait until one leaves? The question is motivated by the fact that I heard that it is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Bracha on jalapeño peppers?

The Bracha on onions and garlic eaten raw is shehakol since its not the usual way to eat onions or garlic raw. Do we say that jalapeños are also shehakol when eaten raw according to the same logic?
3 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to say Baruch Dayan Ha'emes for someone who commits suicide?

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes is the brachah associated with bad news. More specifically, it has become known as the brachah to say when hearing of the news of someone's passing. Is it appropriate to say ...
4 votes
2 answers

Which bracha comes first?

I'm sitting down to eat some fruit and vegetables. On my plate is a tomato (ha'adamah), an apple and a date (both ha'etz). I want to eat them all now. In terms of my taste preferences, I rank them ...
0 votes
1 answer

What bracha to say first, cooked wheat (mezonos) or olives?

According to this ordering "A land of wheat, barley, grapes, figs and pomegranates, a land of olives which produce oil, dates which produce honey." (Deuteronomy 8:8) It is undecided as to ...
12 votes
2 answers

Why no addition to me'ein shalosh for Purim (and Chanukka)?

We add a paragraph to birkat hamzon for Purim (and for Chanukka). Why is there no phrase added to the me'ein shalosh (the bracha acharona) for Purim (and Chanukka)?
7 votes
4 answers

Lamdeni chukecha. . . amen?

When one is saying a b'racha and realizes only after saying God's name that the b'racha is no longer valid, he can avoid the problem of uttering God's name in vain by tacking on the words "למדני חקיך",...
6 votes
0 answers

How are Birchos Krias Shema blessings on Krias Shema?

The Ramban (Brachos 11b) writes that Birkas Kriyas Shema are blessings over the Mitzva of saying Shema. What's in the text of Birkas Kriyas Shema that has to do with Shema? It talks about angels, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Eating bread with jam, then eats only jam, would he recite a shehakol?

If one is spreading jam on bread and eating it, and then eats only jam, without bread, would he make a shehakol on the jam, or would this be covered by the hamotzi?
2 votes
1 answer

Blessing Shehechyanu long before eating in second evening of Rosh Hashana

Usually, we bless Shehechyanu very close to eating a new fruit. As far as I remember, there are 2 opinions: one to bless before the blessing on the fruit itself, while the other opinion claims that ...
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1 answer

Drinking pomegranate juice before Rosh Hashana, does it cancel pomegranate's Shehechayanu blessing?

If I drink pomegranate juice before Rosh Hashana, does it cancel my whole pomegranate's Shehechayanu blessing? Do I have to bless Shehechayanu before drinking pomegranate juice?

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