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What is the bracha on raw sugar snap peas?

Snap peas are frequently stir fried. However, I have seen people eating it raw and whole or as part of a salad. The halacha is that if in your location a vegetable is normally cooked, but you eat it ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there a known distinction in Torah which refers to saying a Bracha over an act vs saying a Bracha of the results of an act?

Philosophical question regarding the nature of Brachat in Judaism. The Torah is very clear that you shouldn't say Brachat in thanks for certain acts. The acts being those which fall outside of what ...
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Why isn't "Borei Minei Mezonot" the "general bracha"?

From Talmud Brachot 40a, we learn that if one accidentally said "Shehakol" as the before blessing instead of a food's proper blessing, this is fine, and he doesn't need to repeat the correct blessing. ...
DanF's user avatar
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Does one make a blessing on the scent of tea bags?

When I open a new box of tea bags, especially one that was sealed before I opened, I enjoy smelling the strong smell of the tea and/or various herbs that are in there. Does this require a birkas ...
MTL's user avatar
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What is the correct bracha for those Israeli aloe drinks?

I'm talking about the delicious drinks like PurAloe that contain liquid and numerous chewable bubbles of pulp. You really have to and do chew the bubbles. So is it possible that one should follow the ...
SAH's user avatar
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Does birkat hamazon cover dessert (and other items requiring a separate bracha rishona during the meal)?

During a bread-based meal, but before bentching (i.e. reciting birkat hamazon), I eat something (e.g. fruit, dessert, etc.) that traditionally requires a separate bracha rishona. Must I say a ...
SAH's user avatar
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Bracha: Dried tomato Wraps

What Bracha do you make on a "dried tomato wrap"? It's a ready made wrap and the ingredients just say dried tomato wrap in addition to the fillers, vegetables and some mayonnaise.
Shaye M.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Bracha covering something retroactively

If I made a bracha on some of the items of food that were in front of me, then realized that this bracha also applies to another of the foods in front of me, do I need to make a new bracha? If not ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is there a bracha achrona called "Al Ha'Adama"?

This Web page alludes (at Footnote 2) to a discussion of the possibility that the correct bracha after raw grain is "Al HaAdama": Tosfot 37a D"H HaKoses has a doubt that perhaps the Bracha ...
SAH's user avatar
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Al ha-eitz for flavorings/garnishes

Let's say I eat a salad that has a few pomegranate seeds sprinkled on top. Do I make al Ha-eitz afterward? Do I then make borei n'fashos, or does the al ha-eitz cover the whole salad? What if it's ...
SAH's user avatar
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Halachic definition of "full" (sated)

I was reading this: After the fact (if one ate between 8 Kezayitim and a definite meal), if one is not full make Al HaMichya and if one is full make Birkat HaMazon, yet, in such a case it’s ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why "Hamotzi Lechem" instead of "Hamotzi Chitah"?

A bread question in time for Pesach! The words to the blessing over bread are: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱלֹקינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, הַמּוֹצִיא לֶחֶם מִן הָאָרֶץ which ends with "...who brings forth ...
Jake's user avatar
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Are chips covered by Hamotzi?

Desserts that are eaten for taste and not for satiation require their own brachos during a meal: When having a bread meal are chips (eaten at the end of a ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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What to do when uncertain regarding a Bracha on dessert during a bread meal?

If you are having a bread-meal and you have dessert in front of you, but you are uncertain if the homotzie covered it - what do you do? Don't eat it? Eat it without a Bracha? Say shehakol (in the ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Are raisins considered one of the seven species for the purposes of prioritising brachot?

When prioritising brachot (for example before eating a fruit and nut mix) are raisins still considered one of the seven species, being made from grapes?
Jakub's user avatar
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"Halachikly Complicated" Foods (Safek Bracha)

Over the Shabbos meal we discussed the idea of sending "Halachikly Complicated" Mishloach Manos. "Halachikly Complicated" meaning foods that cannot be eaten because we have a safek what their bracha ...
SE is Evil - Support Monica's user avatar
5 votes
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Does one make bracha when tasting food?

Does one make bracha when tasting food? If one were to taste food and immediately spit it out, presumably he wouldn't have to make a bracha. But what if he/she wants to see if it goes down smoothly or ...
DonCorleone's user avatar
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Brachos on the amount of pizza one doesn't wash for?

Assuming one is eating let pizza than required to wash, what are the bracha rishona and the bracha achrona?
Dude's user avatar
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Should one make any brachot on "raw" milk?

Most people do not drink milk directly from the cow's udder prior to it being pasteurized. If one did, should he make a before and after bracha? Is raw milk considered "food" halachically, since ...
DanF's user avatar
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Bracha made on spoiled food

Someone made a bracha on a glass of milk. He drank a cheekful and immediately spit it out because it was spoiled. Is he required to find another food requiring the same bracha (shehakol in this case) ...
DanF's user avatar
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The bracha on Pita Chips

What Bracha should one make on pita chips, Hamotzi or Mezonos ?
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
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What is the connection of the blessing "Borei Nefashot" to the food actually eaten?

Birkat hamazon is said after eating bread. In the first paragraph, the word "lechem" - bread - is mentioned. The first paragraph, overall, thanks G-d for giving us food. "Me'en Shalosh" a shortened ...
DanF's user avatar
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How long are brachot applicable to a given food?

If I start, say, drinking a bottled drink or eating chips from a bag, then later (in the day, in the week) continue to eat from it, do I need to make a new brocha? If so, how long can the pause be ...
SAH's user avatar
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Does an unknown Ikkur require a blessing?

This question is taking for granted the position of Reb Moshe Feinstein that a food which has two ingredients such as chocolate covered peanuts gets two brachos (blessings) being that both ingredients ...
user6591's user avatar
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What blessing to make on a cronut?

The local kosher DD is now stocking their imitation of the famous cronut. According to the teudah on the wall, pas Yisrael isn't an issue with donuts since they are fried, croissants require washing ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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What's the bracha on mozzarella sticks?

Do the breadcrumbs on mozzarella sticks require that you wash or at least say mezonot or do we say that it's only used as a cooking agent and therefore you would make a shehakol on the cheese? Is ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Bracha on jalapeño peppers?

The Bracha on onions and garlic eaten raw is shehakol since its not the usual way to eat onions or garlic raw. Do we say that jalapeños are also shehakol when eaten raw according to the same logic?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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If you make a shehakol on water at a restaurant before the meat is served do you say another shehakol on the meat?

If you make a shehakol on water at a restaurant before the meat is served do you say another shehakol on the meat? If you had the meat in mind? If you didn't have the meat in mind? Does the fact that ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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If you say mezonot on rice AND one of the five grains do you make two after blessings?

Mezonot is said on rice and a product of the five grains. However rice gets boreh nefashot as the after blessing while five grain products get al hamichya. If you said one mezonot to cover both rice ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Why is the blessing prior to drinking coffee or tea "Shehakol" instead of "Ha'etz"?

Magen Avraham on Orach Chaim 202:22 (excerpt): Magen Avraham 202:22: (ב"י רשב"א) ומיהו בפירות יבשים כגון תפוחים ואגסים וגדגדניו' ופלומי"ן ד"ה דמברך אמימיהן בפה"ע דהא אין דרכן אלא למשלקינהו לא ...
DanF's user avatar
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The blessing over drinking fresh orange juice

Before someone drinks a fresh orange juice, which of the following blessings is required to be said? Should the blessing be "shehakol"? "borai pri ha'etz"? or both?
mil's user avatar
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What is the bracha for Etrog marmalade that has visible chunks of etrog pieces and / or rind?

My understanding and intention on asking this: Fruit products that have visible fruit pieces, such as applesauce, I have read in a number of Brachot booklets, state to say ha'etz, since the fruit is ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is the bracha for a petroleum-derived product?

Suppose I am taking an antidepressant medication, and my research indicates that it is produced by a complex synthesis beginning with the substances propionic acid and benzene. As an antidepressant, ...
sigil's user avatar
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Can we recite "shehakol nihyeh bidvaro" over coffee and tea? [duplicate]

Can we recite "shehakol nihyeh bidvaro" over coffee and tea ? If not, what is the appropriate bracha ?
mil's user avatar
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Which blessings should I say before and after eating perogi with potato-and-cheese filling?

Wikipedia writes: Pierogi ... (... also spelled perogi, pierogy, perogy, pierógi, pyrohy, pirogi, pyrogie, or pyrogy in English or other Slavic languages ...) are dumplings of unleavened dough – ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Wrong ברכת הנהנין during הבדלה: what now?

This evening (after Shabas in the nine days), I recited havdala over a cup of beer, as every year. I knew it was beer, but, by force of habit, recited "hagafen" (the wine benediction) over it during ...
msh210's user avatar
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Are there any limitations for an inclusion blessing?

There is a rule that if you are eating multiple items that are in the same blessing category (e.g. shehakol) then you only say one blessing and have in mind the other items. Does this inclusion have ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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When to say brocha when making a L'chaim

I have always been confused about l'chaims (toasts). At what point does one make the blessing on the drink? Which part--the "l'chaim" or the blessing--immediately precedes taking a sip? Usually when ...
SAH's user avatar
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What bracha do you make on kasha varnishkes?

Assuming that there is an even amount of "varnishkes" (noodles) and kasha, do you make 2 brachot - mezonot on the varnishkes and adamah on the kasha? (If so, which should you say first?) Or is this ...
DanF's user avatar
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Hoeitz-Hoadama...I made a mistake [duplicate]

While studying gemorrah Brachos - the following was unclear to me: When a person makes a hoadama brocha, when he was supposed to make an hoeitz (ex. he wants to eat an apple), he either simply ...
user9701's user avatar
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Source for rumored ruling of the Chafetz Chaim regarding Bracha on dessert

The Laws of Brachos by Rabbi Binyamin Forst says the following on page 211 note 16. "Rumor has it that the Chafetz Chaim allegedly said, that in America, desserts are part of the meal and ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What is the blessing on dark chocolate?

What do poskim say the bracha is for dark chocolate that has more than 50% cacao in it as the package claims (being that the majority ingredient is cacao)? (I've seen an opinion who says (Vzot ...
Emet v'Shalom's user avatar
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Multiple brochos for one food type?

It has come to my attention (from a local Rabbi) that one is required to say a brocho on each and every bit of food he/she eats, unless he/she was thinking about that particular food at the time of ...
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What Bracha to say when there is no clear majority?

I know that the Bracha for a mixture dish would go by the main component which in turn is determined by the majority. E.g. for rice with some peas the blessing is Mezonot. My question is what if ...
herbert's user avatar
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What bracha is Seitan/wheat gluten?

What bracha does one make on wheat gluten, a.k.a. Seitan? I'm aware of this opinion saying it's Shehakol I'm curious though if ...
user6591's user avatar
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Can one rely on a gentile's uncertain food description regarding brachot?

Let's say you have a dish in front of you but you're not certain what its ingredients are. You ask a Gentile who is familiar, and he says, "I've seen something like this before and it's usually made ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is the ruling for a bracha's usage being extended across different food forms?

There's a tricky halacha with brachos that I couldn't figure out. It goes something like this: If you make a bracha on one food item without having others in mind, if more of the food item remains in ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Incorrect bracha covering another food

Suppose someone is eating a fruit which requires a bracha rishona of ha'etz, but the person accidentally makes a ha'adama. Since ha'adama is the more general bracha, it covers his fruit and he does ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Minimum Halachic Definition of Bread

This is sort of the counter question to Mezonos bread. At what point does a grain based admixture transition between bread and non bread? To clarify: The general position of Sephardic Jewry is that ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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Why don't the fruits of the seven species of Israel get their own bracha rishonah?

The 7 species of Israel are used to praise the land. Wine gets a unique bracha rishonah and acharonah. Grains within the 7 species and within the 5 species of grains also get their own bracha rishona ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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