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Questions tagged [bitul-batel-null]

halachik nullification of a particular item

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8 votes
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If chametz is batel before Pesach

If chametz can be batel before Pesach, why don't we buy (before Pesach) any commercially produced product with year-round (i.e., not Pesach-specific) kosher certification which does not list chametz ...
msh210's user avatar
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tap water on Pesach

The New Croton Reservoir supplies much of New York City's tap water, and people are allowed to — and do — go out on boats and fish. I'd venture a guess that almost every Saturday and Sunday, a piece ...
msh210's user avatar
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16 votes
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Nullifying Ancient Israelite Idols

Following up on a question raised on the Avodah list (see here & here under the subject “Destroying Idols”). Archaeologists often dig up idols whose worshipers have abandoned them over the ...
J. C. Salomon's user avatar
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Why seem to sell and be mafkir chametz?

My understanding is that we do both of the following: We (appoint a rabbi as an agent to) sell our chametz to a gentile. This sale takes place the morning of the day before Pesach, before the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is there a concept of "bitul beshishim" with regards to fish?

Years ago, some brands of Worcestershire sauce as well as a few salad dressings were marked "OU fish". This meant that one was not allowed to use this sauce on a piece of meat or have it on the same ...
DanF's user avatar
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How can we just make our chametz ownerless?

I'm trying to understand the "legal fiction" wherein we declare any chometz we have as ownerless like the dust of the earth. Is this halachically acceptable? How can a person declare something in his ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
14 votes
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Can non-Jews utilize the princple of bittul berov?

The concept of bittul berov means that in certain cases, if some non-kosher food gets mixed up in as much kosher food of the same type such that nobody knows which piece is the non-kosher part, the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Bitul BeRov - the classic case in real life

In Halachah there's a tremendously powerful concept of Bitul BeRov (nullification among the majority). It goes like this: If you have three identical pieces of meat, and you know for a fact that one ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Batel b'shisim on a large scale

Suppose someone is making a huge 50-gallon vat of cholent. Accidentally, an entire bag of milk breaks and spills into the cholent. There is more than 60x as much meat cholent as there is milk, so the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What's the Shiur of Mashehu?

Certain issurim (forbidden things) can become batel (halachically nullified) if they were unintentionally mixed in heter (permitted things). In order for this to happen, the heter must outnumber the ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Does דבר שיש לו מתירין apply to כל דפריש‎?

Often, there's a rule that a forbidden substance (or object) that got mixed with sufficiently much (or many) permitted substance (or objects) is בטל ("nullified" is the usual translation, though I don'...
msh210's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does Tuma get nullified?

If a drop of Tuma liquid (say a "Mashke" of a zav) falls into a huge vat of water, do we say that all the water is now an Av, or do we say it could get nullified. If it gets nullified, at what ratio? ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Unsupervised milk - there was a treife animal in the herd

I heard in a recent shiur that Dayan Weiss zatzal ruled that an animal that delivered its young via caesarean section is considered a treife. Therefore its milk cannot be drunk. When supervising ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
5 votes
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Ratios of Hameitz-to-Other for Owning

For the prohibition of owning hameitz on passover, what is the ratio of hameitz-to-other that makes a mixture hameitz? The prohibition of owning hameitz is a separate mitzvat lo-ta'asei, as listed by ...
paquda's user avatar
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How is batel beshishim verified practically?

I understand the general rule that if there is a mixture of meat and milk and the meat is < 1/60 of the milk it is a dairy product, or if the milk is < 1/60 of the meat it is a meat product. If ...
DanF's user avatar
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May a Jew drink a fruit drink that has less than 1/60 of grape juice?

There are a number of manufactured fruit drinks that have trace amounts of grape juice that are less than 1/60 of the volume of ingredients. (A way to tell is when the product label states the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Ratios of Hameitz-to-Other for Deriving Benefit

For the prohibition on deriving benefit from hameitz on passover, what is the ratio of hameitz-to-other that makes a mixture hameitz? I am aware that when it comes to the prohibition of eating hameitz ...
paquda's user avatar
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One-in-Sixty Versus Roiv- Why both?

There are two concepts in the Halacha of Bittul (nullification). One says that if there is an item that is Unkosher that falls into another item that is Kosher, and it is a mixture, and the Unkosher ...
ioioioio's user avatar
2 votes
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The levels in kashrut

If a piece of a biblically forbidden food (such as a piece of pork), falls into a bowl of meat. We all know the rule, it's batul bshishim. How about a piece of food which is only rabbinically ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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A drop of milk gets into the chicken soup, can one still eat the soup? [closed]

I think it has something to do with the 1/60 rule but I don't know what that is.
Yehuda1983's user avatar
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Putting Oreos in your Cholent

According to the certifying agency of Nabisco Oreo cookies, which are marked OU-D: The equipment is not necessarily cleaned before the production of these cookies, and there may be a small amount ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Bittul of Hameitz in Mixtures Aquired Before Passover

Looking for clarification on the kind of bittul of hameitz that occurs for foods acquired before, but not during, Passover: What is the maximum ratio of hameitz to other food that the bittul happens ...
paquda's user avatar
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Deliveries during Pesach

May one request/accept/open a delivery of something (let's say, an Amazon order, a present from a friend) during Pesach? I'm not talking about during Yom Tov days, and I'm not talking about potential ...
SAH's user avatar
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Collecting water before pesach

People who are worried about chometz in water on pesach collect water before pesach so it can be Me'vutal before pesach. However won't they cause themselves a bigger problem? If they are worried for ...
Do Ki's user avatar
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