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Questions tagged [baby-infant]

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13 votes
1 answer

Can a mother taste her own breastmilk?

Can a mother drink/taste her own breastmilk? I know theres an issur for a non-baby to drink directly from the breast; but, what about from a cup? Further, if it is indeed assur (even from a cup), ...
cube's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why is a bris performed after death?

Why does an infant baby boy who dies before he can be circumcised have a circumcision performed after death? If, as the article states it is to prepare the body for the next world why is this ritual ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Placing a unattached plastic over the stroller on Shabbos / Yom Tov

According to Rabbi Dovid Ostroff Shlita The Rama in Hilchos Succah 626:3 says that one is permitted to open and shut hinged flaps that are used for covering the Succah when raining. The Chazon ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
4 votes
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Eliyahu HaNavi and bris

Someone once told me that when Eliyahu HaNavi comes to a baby's bris, everyone who is presently there is forgiven for their sins. Does anyone know the source for this?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
10 votes
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Gift of a Teddy Bear to New Born Baby

Can I give a new born jewish baby a furry Teddy Bear? I was told that a handmade teddy bear especially made as a gift and given to a new born baby of a religious family was returned? A doll would be ...
elayne's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Mourning the death of an infant

If an infant only survives for one day Rachmana litzlan, do the parents have to sit shiva or say kaddish?
Eli's user avatar
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שהחיינו on baby girl vs הטוב והמטיב for a boy?

The Shulchan Arach (OC 223:1) writes: ילדה אשתו זכר מברך הטוב והמטיב So when you have a boy you make the brocho of הטוב והמטיב. Yet, with the birth of a girl the Mishna Berurah tells us that we ...
Dov's user avatar
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18 votes
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How do you pray for a sick baby who has not yet been named?

Is it possible to say a Mi SheBerach for a sick baby who has not yet been named? If so, how is it done? And if one cannot say a Mi SheBerach, is there another prayer that can be said? What if there ...
Martha F.'s user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Infant seeing reflection in mirror

I have heard that some people do not allow a child to see his or her reflection in a mirror before they can speak (or say their name, possibly). Is there any traditional source for this practice?
Dave's user avatar
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How would the 'split the baby in half' situation be resolved according to halacha?

In 1 Kings 3:16-27 there is a story of two prostitutes who appear before King Shlomo, each having a newborn baby. One of the babies died and there was a dispute as to which one. There were no ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

"Praiseworthy is he who will clutch and dash your infants against the rock"?

I do not understand the last lines of psalm 137 ("By the rivers of Babylon"/"Al naharos bovel," the psalm recited before Birkat Ha-Mazon on weekdays. [It includes the famous lines &...
SAH's user avatar
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7 votes
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Calling female baby by name before official naming

Is there any objection, halachic or otherwise, to calling a baby girl by the name the parents plan on giving it before the mi sheberach prayer is recited at the torah reading following the birth? What ...
Jewels's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Chickpeas (Arbes) at a Shalom Zachor

Why do we serve Arbes - chickpeas at a Shalom Zachor?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
6 votes
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What things are done differently for an adult circumcision?

I have never attended an adult circumcision, and I don't know anyone, personally, who was circumcised as an adult. I'm curious if there are any notable differences between an adult and child ...
DanF's user avatar
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5 votes
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Pampers tzovehah (dyeing) on shabbas

Pampers make diapers which have a wetness indicator. Initially it is a yellow stripe when dry; when wet it turns blue. I am wondering whether this would be considered tzoveha. http://g-ecx.images-...
sam's user avatar
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4 votes
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By what standards does Judaism hold infants accountable for sin?

In Samuel 15:3 Samuel relays God's instruction to Saul of obliterating the nation of Amalek. Included in this instruction is also the command to slay infants and sucklings. Samuel 15:3 "Now, go, and ...
RandomUser's user avatar
4 votes
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Can two siamese twins be separated by killing one if that one would die anyway and the other would live

In two Simaese twins where the first will definitely die soon, whereas the second has a chance of life if the first stops being a 'drain' him. Like if there is only one heart. Can one kill the first ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Naming a baby after a living non-relative

As an Ashkenazi Jew, can I name my child after someone who is alive if they are not a relative or are you not supposed to name a child after the living, regardless of your relationship with them or ...
CFN's user avatar
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Naming a child after two relatives

I once heard Rabbi Shmuel Niman, Mashgiach Ruchani of the Chafeitz Chaim Yeshiva, say that he had "recently learned" that it is improper to give a child parts of the names of two relatives. For ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Segulah for having a boy

I have heard before that a segulah for having a boy is to have relations with one's wife twice in one night. I remember hearing this in the name of Chazal. Does anyone know the makor for it?
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Innocent babies killed in flood

In Parasha Noach, why were presumably innocent babies killed in the Flood? I would appreciate if someone could provide some elucidation.
sta's user avatar
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Retroactive annulment of conversion? [duplicate]

If a woman converts to Judaism, has a baby, and then converts to Christianity, is the baby still considered a born Jew? That is, can the woman's conversion be retroactively annulled in a way that ...
Jennifer Luttes's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ramifications of a Baby Switch [duplicate]

At the hospital 2 newborns get swapped, one Jewish for one not. 20 yrs later someone realizes what happened & informs both kids of the mistake, does their status change? Does the ‘non Jewish’ boy ...
Lages's user avatar
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What side is a newborn supposed to nurse from first?

I have heard that there is a gemara that discusses what side a newborn is supposed to breastfeed from first. If this is true, where is this gemara and what's the idea behind it?
Gavriel's user avatar
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Circumcision exceptions on the rule?

If one gives birth to a premature/preterm son, or if the childs weight is to low, for example, would it still be circumcised on the 8th day or are there exceptions to the command?
Levi's user avatar
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