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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
David 's user avatar
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Is it permitted to have an American Flag on a flagpole with an Eagle on top in a Synagogue?

American Flag on pole, topped with an Eagle. Is this permitted in the Synagogue?
Ezra Hidary's user avatar
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Mirror in Shul?

Is a mirror allowed in shul if it is hanging on a wall that no one faces when they daven? It feels wrong to me, but I cannot find a source stating that it is explicitly forbidden since no one is ...
Koidesh 's user avatar
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Is it permitted to have zodiac symbols in a synagogue?

Many shuls in Eastern Europe have painted zodiac symbols (albeit in a rather symbolic manner) on the walls or ceiling. However, it is stated directly in the Mishneh Torah that one may not draw the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Messianic Jew and Wine

At what stage does a born-Jewish messianic Jew's presence at and/ or participation in an Orthodox synagogue's kiddush make wine 'Yayin Nesech'?
user5314's user avatar
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Why do we bow down in the direction of the ark?

This is a question I've had for many years, to which I've never received a satisfactory answer: In Hebrew school, we were taught that idolaters bowed to a idol of their god. They would claim that ...
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