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Questions tagged [aguna]

A woman who is bound to her marriage, and does not know what happened to her husband, such as a soldier missing in action, and therefore is forbidden to remarry.

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Four counted as dead & Agunot

Nedarim 64b relates of the Gemara: "it was taught in a baraita: Four are considered as if they were dead: A pauper, and a leper, and a blind person, and one who has no children." Could one ...
ANH's user avatar
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Permitting Aguna Via Dream

The MeshivasNefesh Chelek Even Haezer, Takanat Agunot 35.7 is quoted as permitting an aguna based on the combination of factors including a mother saying her son appeared in a dream saying he drowned ...
NJM's user avatar
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If a condition to bury someone's body wasn't upheld, is one allowed to exhume the body?

A follow up to this recent question "(Why) May a Beit Din refuse to bury a body in order to coerce a man into giving a divorce?" where a Jewish burial society was instructed to not bury the body of a ...
alicht's user avatar
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14 votes
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(Why) May a Beit Din refuse to bury a body in order to coerce a man into giving a divorce?

I read recently of a case where a Rabbi (I assume as head of a Beit Din) instructed a Jewish burial society not to bury the body of a woman who is the mother of a man who refuses to give his wife a ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
4 votes
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When can the brother of a man who died childless do neither yibbum nor chalitzah?

I was under the impression that if a man dies childless and has a brother, then the brother must do either yibbum (marrying his wife) or chalitzah (rejecting the marriage) -- his choice, but he has to ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
8 votes
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Is God a kosher witness?

Moshe's death is attested to by God Deutoronimy 34,5 (see Sotah 13b), There were no other witnesses. At what point did Gershom and Eliezer inherit his posessions and Assuming he and Tzippora were ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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What is a “halachic annulment” of a marriage and when is it employed?

I’m stunned that this question wasn’t previously asked. The Gemara (Gittin 33a) discusses the concept of כל דמקדש אדעתא דרבנן מקדש - anyone who marries does so with the consent of the Rabbis. As ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Can a suitor help an aguna?

This takes place in Bavel where the Rabbis have legal civil authority. There is an aguna that I would like to marry. The Rabbi asks for volunteers to help "convince" the recalcitrant husband to ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Which rabbinic or halakhic relief is offered to agunot?

Where is there a discussion about a rabbinic or halacha-based relief offered to agunot? There appears to be none mentioned here at Mi Yodea. Correct me, if am wrong. Please include sources, for my ...
ninamag's user avatar
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May coercion be used to facilitate halitzah?

From my understanding there are opinions that some form of coercion, such as public embarrassment, may be used to facilitate a recalcitrant husband giving his estranged agunah (bound) wife a get/...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why would a Jewish woman marry through a religious ceremony, knowing she risks becoming an agunah for life?

Why would a Jewish woman marry through a religious ceremony, knowing she risks becoming an agunah for life? Her husband can go insane and remain alive for life. He can run away, dump her, etc.., ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Injustice in Jewish Divorce Laws

In the unfortunate cases of an Aguna "chained woman", Mesurevet Get "get refuser", if the husband is mentally deranged or in a coma, the wife is stuck. There is no way of getting divorced by Jewish ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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The Wife's divorce rights in Jewish Law [duplicate]

Halacha dictates that a man must hand the Get out of free will to his wife for a divorce to take effect. If the man is mentally unstable, in a full time coma, a sadistic individual or his ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Can the below procedure serve as an Agunah escape clause?

If one marries Mr. X under the assumption that he is a tzaddik (or rich or smart etc), but he is really a rasha,that marriage was done under a false understanding and is not valid and does not need a ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
3 votes
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How should an aguna go about seeking a Gett?

If a woman is civilly divorced from her husband and needs her get, what resources are available to her? I am completely out of my depth here. I would really appreciate this spelled out to me in plain ...
Kathleen's user avatar
11 votes
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Agunoth and Mamzerim after the Holocaust

What have Posekim decided regarding families that were torn apart as a result of the Holocaust, particularly with respect to marriages where the husband was taken and never seen again (but not ...
Seth J's user avatar
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War between Ten Tribes and Yehuda

There is a reference to Bereshis Rabba 65:20 and Vayikra Rabba 33:5 to 2 Chronicles 13:17 which says that 500,000 soldiers of the northern tribes killed by the army of Yehuda. The Midrash states that ...
Duvy's user avatar
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Kiddushin 'Al Tnai and the effect of Nissuin

I just read a comment online asking, in a particular 'Agunah situation, why there was not an agreement before the wedding to allow a rabbinical court to a annul the marriage. Is this a legitimate ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Can a Beit Din invalidate Kiddushin nowadays?

According to DoubleAA, R' Shechter says that any three people have a right to declare items hefker through Hefker Beis Din Hefker. According to that, why doesn't an average Beis Din have a power to ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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