Linked Questions

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What is the Jewish belief regarding evil spirits? [duplicate]

What do Jews believe about ghosts and evil spirits? It seem to me that the Bible gives clear definition about the fact that they are real. What do Jews believe about this?
Evaldas's user avatar
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Did demons and other supernatural creatures definitely exist? [duplicate]

There are plenty of stories in various Jewish sources of demons and other supernatural creatures, and I've only ever heard these taken at face value. Does everyone agree that these creatures really ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Is belief in Midrashim optional?

The Ramban in Sefer Havikuach (page 32, the bottom of the first column ) asserts with regard to Midrash: מי שיאמין בו טוב. ומי שלא יאמין בו לא יזיק ‏ Whoever believes in it, good, he who does not ...
Abish's user avatar
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40 Days Before Conception

It is written somewhere (I don't remember exactly where) that 40 days before conception, it is called out in Heaven who that person will marry. However, if the person gets married multiple times how ...
yydl's user avatar
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What practices are affected by a belief in demons?

Inspired by R' Slifkin's new monograph, Wrestling with Demons, and acknowledging the fact that the existence of sheidim and other things magical in nature is an age-old dispute, I am wondering about ...
jake's user avatar
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Who are the demons in Deuteronomy 32:17?

They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded. (Deuteronomy 32:17) This 'demons that ...
user4951's user avatar
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Why does God tolerate demons? What is their purpose?

The Bavli records in many places the existence of demons, and answers to this question cite rishonim and acharonim who take this seriously. Pesachim 112b relates a story in which demons are (...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Does "jinns" exist in Judaism?

Muslims believe Satan was a Jinn (not an angel). A jinn can be good and bad. Are there any references to jinn (or something similar) in Judaism? Are there certain sects believing in their existence? ...
Kilise's user avatar
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Where does the custom to spill off from a drink come from?

I had a Lubavitcher classmate in high school who used to spill off from his cup whenever he would drink anything. He claimed it was a minhag. What is the reason/source for this practice?
Moshe's user avatar
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Demon Possession in Judaism

Some religions, particularly Christianity, have a concept in which demons or evil spirits can enter a person's body and take control of them. Does Judaism have a concept similar or like this? The ...
ezra's user avatar
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In which way do demons have an effect on us?

I would like to know how mazikim, sheidim, se'irim and ruchot rah (often translated as demons or evil spirits) are able to effect our lives. That is, broadly, is their effect physical and ...
Levi's user avatar
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What is Rambam's opinion on demons?

In Mishne Torah A.Z (11:16) he says that sorcery and mysticism in general does not exist, but he does not refer to demons explicitly. Does the Rambam speak about demons specifically anywhere else?
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Exorcism in Judaism

What is the consensus today regarding dybbuks, demons and possession? Do we attribute these things to mental illness or do we acknowledge their existence?
Ephraim's user avatar
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Sheidim after the Baal Shem Tov

According to the Minchas Elazar, the Baal Shem Tov evicted the Sheidim from where humans live. Does that mean that they are still located in the wilderness areas and one must be "choshesh" for them ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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May a person sit on a tree stump?

Can one sit on a tree stump or is there a spiritual danger? I remember hearing such a thing, but I don't remember where.
sam's user avatar
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