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Is it allowed for a Jew to pray in mosques? [duplicate]

Is it allowed for a Jew to pray in mosques? I live in Kuwait so its impossible to find any beith knesseth here; I follow Rambamistic minhaq. I mean going to a mosque to pray Jewish prayer when i'm ...
Never Mind's user avatar
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If a Jew visits a mosque and offers a prayer to "Allah", which commandments are being violated? [duplicate]

If a Jew visits a mosque and offers a prayer to "Allah" as a good-will gesture, which commandments are being violated? What are the views of the Jewish Sages on this type of interfaith cross-...
Sam's user avatar
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28 votes
9 answers

If Christianity is avodah zarah and Islam is not, why has the Christian world triumphed over the non-Christian, and why do Jews prefer to live among Christians and not Muslims?

The Rambam quite clearly considered Christianity to be avodah zarah. He did not feel the same way about Islam, however, going so far as to condone praying within a mosque, and many Orthodox Jewish ...
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21 votes
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Praying in "multifaith spaces" in airports and other institutions

In airports and hospitals and such, you can often find "multifaith spaces". Is it permitted to pray in them? These "interfaith prayer chapels" are not churches: they're completely neutral rooms and ...
ben's user avatar
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Is Islam Avodah Zara?

Is Islam avodah zarah? The reason why I ask is because in Mecca, at the Kaaba there is a black stone which the Muslims kiss and believe is holy. Is kissing the stone and believing it's holy a problem ...
Ploni ben Almoni tzedek's user avatar
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May one buy wine from a Muslim

If a person were to go to a Muslim wine shop and found wine only handled by a Muslim. Is the wine forbidden? I would think not because Muslims are monotheistic and even if they would use the wine in a ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Who are the idolaters?

I'm having hard time understanding the definition of idolater. It is easy for me to recognize for example that who prays a statue is an idolater. But what about other monotheistic religions? Are ...
Ramy Al Zuhouri's user avatar
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Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B'nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)? [duplicate]

Does Judaism Regard Muslims as B'nai Noah (Righteous Gentiles)?
Sean Kelly's user avatar
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Is the Arya Samaj's version of Hinduism avodah zarah?

According to Judaism, non-Jews can only be regarded as righteous if they follow the seven Noachide laws: Not to worship idols. Not to curse God. To establish courts of justice. Not to ...
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No longer prostrating after tefillah - sources?

Inspired by this question, this question and this answer, what I am looking for is an early source that makes reference to people no longer prostrating themselves after tefillah. If the source gives a ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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What constitutes belief in HaShem?

What are the minimum requirements for a religion (besides Judaism) to have in order for it to be considered that they believe in HaShem? For instance, what conditions does Islam fulfill that makes us ...
Y K's user avatar
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Did the Ritva state that Islam is idolatry? [duplicate]

Is it the case that Ritva stated that Islam is idolatry? I have heard that while the RAMBAM viewed Islam as not idolatry, there have been many rabbis throughout the generations, before and some after, ...
barlop's user avatar
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