When meaty/dairy/treif food is cooked in a pot, the taste (ta'am) of the food is transferred to the pot. When the pot is reused for other food, that food becomes meaty/dairy/treif as well. Likewise, food residue on an uncleaned knife can affect other food cut with the same knife.
Does this apply to ever min hachai?
Meat from a live animal is cooked in a pot, and that pot is reused for other food. Is that food forbidden to non-Jews? If a Jew eats it, is he liable for ever min hachai specifically or only for eating treif in general?
Does it depend on the specific type of transfer (absorption of taste, residue on a knife, etc.)?
On the one hand, I'd expect that if a pot can absorb the taste of meat or non-kosher meat, it can absorb the taste of ever min hachai in the same way. On the other hand, I've never heard of such a restriction, and Noahides don't seem to worry about it in practice.