The Rambam explicitly forbids this (MT Hilchot Ma'achalot Assurot 6:11-12)
When meat is salted, it should be salted only in a perforated utensil,
using only salt that is as heavy as coarse sand, since the salt that
is as fine as flour becomes absorbed in the meat and fails to extract
the blood. Also, one must shake off the salt before rinsing the meat [...] All of the above procedures apply with regard to meat that one must
cook. For roasting, by contrast, one may salt the meat and roast it
R Elyahu Touger comments (fn. 39): If one salted meat in a utensil that did not have holes, all the meat lying in the brine is forbidden.
See also SA Yoreh Deah 69:16
We perform the salting only in a vessel with holes or upon straw or
shavings or in a diagonal position ensuring that if water was spilled
onto it, it would flow off immediately.
and 69:18
Meat that was salted in a vessel without holes and was left for as
long as it takes for water to begin boiling is subject to the
following rules: anything in the tzir is forbidden [and what is out is
not but the Rema forbids the entire piece]