Rambam writes in Seder HaTefillah:

קדיש דרבנן כל עשרה מישראל או יתר שעוסקין בתלמוד תורה שעל פה ואפילו במדרשות או בהגדות כשהן מסיימין אומר אחד מהן קדיש

Kaddish DeRabbanan: Anytime ten or more Jews study torah shebe'al peh, even midrashim or aggadah, when they finish, one of them says kaddish.

This is indeed customarily performed whenever we study torah shebe'al peh during prayer, for example after korbanot before shacharit, pitum haketoret after shacharit on (weekdays and) shabbat, and bameh madlikin on Friday night.

See also these questions.

However, I have never seen this done at minchah in any shul I've been to that recites korbanot before ashrei (some nusach sefard and many nusach edot hamizrach). It also does not appear in any siddur I've ever seen. (See e.g. here and here.)

Why does there not appear to be a custom to recite kaddish derabbanan after pitum haketoret for those who communally recite it as part of korbanot before minchah?

(I'm aware that there are those who advocate only saying kaddish derabbanan after learning aggadah specifically. If that's the case, they could easily add a suitable passage (e.g. 'yehi ratzon ... sheyibaneh beit hamikdash...') as we do after other passages of torah shebe'al peh, in order to recite the kaddish.)

  • The Kaddish after Korbanot and Pitum haKetoret, while based in this Halakha, really only caught on due to Kabbalistic concerns. They aren't present in old siddurim (even a hundred years ago they weren't ubiquitous). So your answer probably lies in Kabbalah though I haven't a clue what it is (perhaps it's related to Rama/MagenAvraham/ArukhHashulchan at the end of 234, and how that relates to the structure of the representations of the various kabbalistic worlds in Mincha)
    – Double AA
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 12:31
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    In the Yerushalmi Edot haMizrach minyanim in Talpiot they always recite Kadish DeRabanan between Ptach Eliyahu and Korbanot. (I assume it's not unique to this location - And it's this way in my phone's siddur) Commented May 2, 2018 at 12:57
  • @DoubleAA Emden has it: hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=22431&st=&pgnum=166 Commented May 2, 2018 at 13:07
  • 2
    @Kazibácsi Like I said this can be based in the real Halakha in the Rambam etc. about Kaddish after Torah study, but its application in prayer settings is largely Kabbalistic. They didn't used to say KdR in prayer settings pretty much ever, perhaps because they thought everyone reading Korbanot to themselves wasn't public study, perhaps bc people did Korbanot at home, perhaps bc the later Kaddish after Yishtabach/Alenu covered it, etc.
    – Double AA
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 13:44
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    @JoelK IIRC the bach there (?) says nobody ever says KdR ever, and the arukh hashulchan there (just 100 years ago in ashkenaz!) says they didn't say kaddish between ein kelokeinu and alenu. fwiw remember also the tur is talking about learning bameh madlikin after maariv not before it, and the tur doesn't specify KdR; it could be he meant regular kaddish yatom. the mishna berura in his kuntres maamar kaddishin never mentions a KdR after ryishmael, only a kaddish yatom after mizmor shir.
    – Double AA
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 13:59


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