This M.Y. answer discusses various opinions regarding drinking in a bar.
The Long Island area, among other areas in the U.S., has several interesting micro - breweries as well as a few distilleries. A Jew would like to try sampling some newly crafted seasonal beers or a new single malt before he buys it in a store.
My question, here, is an extension of the other one. May a Jew go to a microbrewery or a whiskey / rum etc. distillery where there is a tasting room? It is not a bar / restaurant type setting (FYI, some microbreweries do serve food, so I'm not including those) but rather more of a tourist attraction, generally. However, some of the tasting rooms are a somewhat "relaxed" setting with chairs / lounges or stools and the crowd is usually majority non-Jews.
Assuming that there are no kashrut problems, is there any problem with a Jew going to one of these places and tasting some samples? (S/he will not get drunk, as s/he'll be driving and s/he's a responsible person.)