Disclaimer: The following is very Kabbalah heavy, so obviously there is much to be understood with what is understood in that respect. My question primarily stems from locating a source.
The Noam Elimelech writes on Parshas Mishpatim:
(Third piece, Source from Sefaria.org)
(Partial Quote)
כי תקנה עבד עברי כו׳. פירש רש"י ז"ל "עבד שהוא עברי", רמז ג"כ לשני הצדיקים, דהנה צריך לדעת בראותינו צדיק גדול, אזי ידוע שהוא מגולגל מנשמת צדיק גדול מנשמה עליונה, והצדיק הזה יש לו אבר כנשרים לעופף בכל העולמות, וזהו "עברי" מלשון אבר, דעי"ן מתחלף באל"ף, והוא לשון כנפים, והיינו "כי תקנה עבד עברי" מובן ממילא, שיש לו כנפים לעופף באהבתו ויראתו בעולמות עליונים
When you acquire a Hebrew slave etc. (Exodus 21:2): Rashi explains "A slave who is a Hebrew", this hints also to two (types of) tzaddikim; One needs to know when seeing a great tzaddik, it is known that he is a Gilgul from the soul of another great Tzaddik from the Neshama Elyona, and this Tzaddik posseses a limb like eagles to soar through all of the (higher) realms, and this is (an understanding of) "Ivri" from the language of "Eiver" (limb), as the Eyin can be changed with an Aleph, which is the language of wings, and this is what is understood immediately (when the verse says) "when you acquire a Ivri (Hebrew) slave", that (the Tzaddik) possesses wings to fly with his love and fear (of heaven) in the higher realms.
My Question:
Is there any source denoting the concept of certain Tzaddikim possessing (obviously spiritual) "wings" to traverse the higher realms? I presume its in the Zohar or the Midrash.