Esther 4:1-5 states
When Mordecai learned all that had happened, Mordecai tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes. He went through the city, crying out loudly and bitterly, until he came in front of the palace gate; for one could not enter the palace gate wearing sackcloth. ... When Esther’s maidens and eunuchs came and informed her, the queen was greatly agitated. She sent clothing for Mordecai to wear, so that he might take off his sackcloth; but he refused. Thereupon Esther summoned Hathach, one of the eunuchs whom the king had appointed to serve her, and sent him to Mordecai to learn the why and wherefore of it all.
I presume (based on Malbim) that the reason Mordechai came to the palace gate was to make Esther aware of the decree, and discuss how to respond. Previously (chapter 2) Mordechai had spoken directly with Esther. Yet now, by refusing the clothing she sent, Mordechai and Esther are forced to communicate through a messenger.
This seems to pose a security problem (what if the messenger betrays them, or is captured and forced to reveal his message etc.). All of this does not seem to be in the best interest of Mordechai and Esther and does not seem to be in keeping with Mordechai's intent in going to the palace gate in the first place.
I am unaware of any halachic reason that Mordechai could not switch his clothing (I assume this situation qualifies as pikuach nefesh) and therefore I ask - Why didn't Mordechai accept the clothes sent by Esther?