In practically all printed editions of Tanach that I have come across, as well as the ordering given in Bava Batra 14b, Ezra( - Nechemiah) comes before Divrei HaYamim.
Why is this the case?
Chronologically, Ezra - Nechemiah follows Divrei HaYamim. In fact, the last two pesukim of Divrei HaYamim are virtually identical to the first two and a half pesukim of Ezra, indicating that Ezra picks up where Divrei HaYamim left off. So why is the order reversed?
(I am aware that the Aleppo Codex (and also Mechon-Mamre) have Divrei HaYamim at the beginning of Ketuvim and Ezra-Nechemiah at the end, which would negate the question. My question is about the Talmud Bavli's order, and also the order of current printed editions, which seem to follow the Bavli regarding this aspect of the ordering, when they are willing to ignore it in other aspects (e.g. nevi'im acharonim), presumably for the sake of following a more chronological order.)