I had a very odd dream last night. It was a lucid dream, meaning I realized it was a dream. There are supposedly ways to induce this, but in my case it was an accident. I have no idea why it happened.
I decided in the dream that I wanted to learn.
Then I wasn't sure if I could. First of all, I had slept (obviously) and would have needed to wash my hands before learning. Even if I washed my hands in the dream, that wouldn't help since I couldn't wash my real hands without waking up. Second, I didn't know if I would have had to say Birchot Hatorah in the dream, since sleeping interrupts them.
I asked a Rav in the dream. I don't remember what he said, and at that point I woke up. I realized then that asking him was a completely useless thing to do, since he only existed in my imagination and couldn't have known anything that I didn't know. Plus if I wasn't allowed to learn, I also wasn't allowed to ask him.
Would I have been allowed to learn in the dream? More generally, are there any other halachot that are specifically relevant inside a lucid dream? (They can't apply in a regular dream, since if you don't know it's a dream you can't know to apply them.)