Usually, I've seen hands in the position of nesiyat kapayim to represent Kohanim and a laver to represent other members of Shevet Levi. These are fairly common imagery.

My question is whether Chazal or the Rishonim discuss visual symbols which would serve as a shorthand for Leviyim and Kohanim, as Levi is the only tribe without a banner described in the Torah (Bamidbar 10). If so, where are they found and what are they?

  • Hmm, what makes you think Chazal would discuss visual symbols for Leviim and Kohanim? It was my impression that these symbols generally are found on gravestones - and definitely not gravestones from Zman Chazal. Where else would these symbols come up?
    – ezra
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 17:27
  • 1
    @ezra, I didn't write up a complex question, because I was using my iPhone, however every other shevet has an insignia on its flag (see Bamidbar 10 in Beha'alotcha). I figure that Chaza"l or the Rishonim would fill in the blanks, even if only unofficially. Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 22:47

1 Answer 1


The Urim v'Tumim. Bamidbar Rabbah 2:7

לוי ברקת ומפה שלו צבוע שליש לבן ושליש שחר ושליש אדם ומציר עליו אורים ותומים

  • So it's close to the imperial German flag charged with the Urim veTumim (I'm a Jekke, so I don't think that's a problem) Commented Jun 19 at 16:52

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