This site says
Authorities dispute whether the berachah of shehecheyahu is entirely subjective, depending on the subjective joy a person feels, or whether the berachah includes an objective element, whereby if a garment or item is not important, and does not usually induce joy, one cannot recite the blessing.
It continues to cite some examples, but after reading this, I'm still unclear if one should recite Shehechiyanu for:
- special occasion attire such as a bridal gown? The bridal gown will be worn just once (we hope!!!)
- tux - does it matter if it is bought or rented? Does it matter if the tux is worn just once (such as only wedding) or on rare occasions, like going to a fancy "black tie" affair? What about a waiter who wears a tux for his job?
Regarding the above two items, the site says:
Even if the item has some degree of importance, such as a fancy shirt, it is sufficient for making the blessing, provided that the person experiences subjective joy in buying it.
I'm inferring that this is not limited to a fancy shirt but a fancy top. Certainly, these items give one joy. But, does it matter that the "joy" may be "limited" if a person doesn't own it or will be wearing it for just one occasion? And, if a person wears the tux for his job, does that emit "joy"?
- sneakers, flip flops, crocs?
What is considered "new"? Does it have to be specifically never worn by anyone? What is someone gave me clothes that they wore, previously; they are "new" for me.