Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 141:6 rules
יכולים לקרות שני אחים זה אחר זה, והבן אחר האב, ואין מניחים אלא בשביל עין הרע
It is possible to call up to read the Torah two brothers, one after the other, likewise a son after a father. However we don't let them do it because of ayin hara
The Beis Yosef explains that although we don't rule like the Orchos Chaim who prohibits this meikkar hadin, the halacha is like the Kol Bo and the Mordechai that we don't permit this because of ayin hara.
I'm curious if this ruling applies in any other context. For example, by Sheva brachos, or is it only applicable to areas where a person's full name is mentioned (as is the custom when someone is called up to the Torah), where it is more noticeable that they're related.
I'm not asking if ayin hara is something to be concerned about I'm asking that assuming this halacha stands, is it specific to the Torah reading.