Rav Moshe Heinemann says in Mah Nomar Tefillah:
Q. Should one say Yisgadal v’Yiskadash or Yisgadeil v’Yiskadeish?
A: This is a dikduk question. Yisgadal v’Yiskadash is Hebrew and Yisgadeil v’Yiskadeish is Aramaic. The question is: do you start this Kaddish in Aramaic since the rest of the Kaddish appears to be Aramaic or are you supposed to start Kaddish in Hebrew? Some medakdekim say that you could say Yisgadal v’Yiskadash even in Aramaic and some say you could Yisgadeil v’Yiskadeish in Hebrew. I want to tell you a story that happened with the Rosh Yeshiva here, Rav Ruderman zecher tzaddik l’vracha, when he had yahrzeit. In his last years b’sof yamav, he did not daven from the amud when he had yahrzeit. He used to make Rav Moshe Mintz zol zein gezunt a shliach to daven for whatever reason. When Rav Ruderman was younger, he did daven from the amud and after davening Mincha Chazaras hashatz he said Yisgadeil v’Yiskadeish, which was the minhag in most Litvishe Yeshivos, but then after Aleinu he said Yisgadal v’Yiskadash. I asked him which one is the right thing to say, and he said he was mesupak about it, which is why he said it in different ways in order to be yotzei either way. There is no real right or wrong way about this. I believe that most places say Yisgadal v’Yiskadash, and it seems that the minhag in Slobodka was to say Yisgadeil v’Yiskadeish. Whatever you do, you are yotzei the Kaddish.
In the footnote he quotes the Mishna Berura (56:2) - הקדיש - נוסח הקדיש יתגדל ויתקדש שהוסד ע"פ המקרא והתגדלתי והתקדשתי האמור (ביחזקאל לח:כג) לענין מלחמת גוג ומגוג שאז יתגדל שמו של הקב"ה דכתיב ביום ההוא יהיה ד' אחד ושמו אחד. ויאמר הדלית דיתגדל ויתקדש בצירי כי הוא עברי ולא תרגום [עיין בב"י] ולא בשני שוואין כאלו התיו והגימל בשווא אלא הגימל בפתח. וידגיש הגימל דיתגדל דלא לישתמע יתקדל לשון עורף תרגום עורף קדל. ולא ידגיש ביותר הב' דיתברך