Are there any kashrut issues with Kay Kosher?
Apparently it certifies U-Bet syrup. I grew up non-kosher but am currently keeping, and I want an egg cream.
Are there any kashrut issues with Kay Kosher?
Apparently it certifies U-Bet syrup. I grew up non-kosher but am currently keeping, and I want an egg cream.
I sent an email to the stark and got an answer that it is kosher when marked kosher for Passover on the cap.
Update I sent an email about the rest of the year received a statement that it is a recognized hechser.
Yes, it is fine to use during the year. Yes. Rabbi Shapiro certifies.
Here is the original response that I got from the Star-K Kosher Certification [email protected]
The label - in past has been around the cap- needs to say for passover.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again
Many thanks