There appears to be a conflict between what G-d says should be thrown skyward for the plague of boils (שחין) and what was actually done.

In Shemot 9:8, when G-d is saying what should occur, it says:

וזרקו משה השמימה לעיני פרעה

They shall throw Moses towards the sky before Pharaoh's eyes

But, when Moses appears before Pharaoh, Shemot 9:10 it says:

ויקחו את פיח הכבשו ויעמדו לפני פרעה ויזרק אתו משה השמימה...

They took the oven soot, stood before Pharaoh. They threw him skywards...

I assume that the word "him" in the above verse refers to Pharaoh, and they (Moses and Aharon) threw him skyward.

I'm puzzled here. Why does G-d command that Moses should be thrown skyward, but when they actually do it, Moses disobeys G-d's command and throws Pharaoh, instead?

This question is Purim Torah and is not intended to be taken completely seriously. See the Purim Torah policy.

  • 3
    Its those darn unreliable really holy people הן בקדשיו לא יאמין. Again.
    – mevaqesh
    Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 16:27

1 Answer 1


There is another interpretation of וזרקו משה השמימה לעיני פרעה that make more sense in this case. Some translate this Passuk as:

And Moshe shall throw Pharaoh's eyes into the sky

If this is the case, then when Moshe threw Pharaoh as a whole into the sky, then he was simply being machmir.

A real (!) source for this Rav Avraham ben Harambam to Shemos 9:8 (here), suggests that Einei Pharaoh means throwing the eyes that are part of a standing Pharaoh, in which case Moshe fulfilled the commandment in full.

לעיני פרעה – במעמד פרעה.

  • @uber_chacham see the original edit of the question, which had the same error - that must have gotten it into my head: judaism.stackexchange.com/posts/80653/revisions Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 2:37
  • I guess I also missed it over there. By the way, why can't I make an edit of just 1 or 2 characters, as is normally the case? I can't access the meta, as my filter wont let me, so I don't know if there is an answer over there. Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 2:46

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