In Christianity, the general atmosphere is "Heretics and members of other religions are all completely wrong, and they are all going to Hell unless they repent and accept the Truth as we define it". As such I find that Christians are very hostile and antagonistic towards other faiths. (Lest anyone think that I'm blasting Christianity, I am Christian myself and am engaging in self-criticism). Eg if you mention Hinduism to a Christian, they'll likely respond with something like "They are polytheists! Polytheism is strongly condemned in the bible! Have nothing to do with Hindus or Hinduism unless you are trying to evangelise them."
Once I went on a short-term Christian mission trip to China, and most of the members of the team were very pessimistic about the native Chinese religion. Again, polytheism was a prominent feature of the local religion and the attitude of the team towards this was total condemnation, disapproval and even sadness because "those people are probably going to Hell unless they accept Christ and renounce their polytheistic ways".
I'm curious what the Jewish attitude is in this respect? I get the impression that Jews sorta just take the attitude "This is what we believe, that is what they believe. We aren't concerned with what other groups believe. They can believe whatever they want as long as they leave us alone to practice our Judaism in peace. If they follow the 7 Noahide laws then that's great! But in general we don't concern ourselves with gentile religions."
I feel like this is the case because I've heard that there are really good relations between Israel and India, and that there is a very old community of Jews living in India who have been there for ages, and that they have never been persecuted. I suspect that none of this would be possible if Jews were constantly picking fights with the Hindus on account of their polytheism.
It seems that Jews just keep to themselves and try to live devout lives without going out of their way to condemn other religions.
So for my actual question: What is the Jewish attitude towards other religions? For a concrete example, how do Jews react to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity? Do Jews generally find Christianity and the Trinity deeply offensive? Or do you just laugh it off and go "those poor Christians get it so so wrong".