The relevant text of the Mishna Beurah states:
חייב אדם ללמוד בכל יום תורה שבכתב שהוא תנ"ך ומשנה וגמרא ופוסקים ובעלי בתים שאינם לומדים רק ג' או ד' שעות ביום לא ילמדו בגמרא לחוד דבזה אינו יוצא אלא צריך שילמוד דוקא גם ספרי פוסקים כל אחד כפי השגתו [שו"ע יו"ד וש"ך שם]
The daily requirement referenced by the Mishna Berurah, is the statement in the Talmud (Kiddushin 30a, Avodah Zara 19b) which states that a person should trisect his studies daily (cf. Tosafot Kiddushin 30a s.v. Lo) into Scripture, Mishna, and Talmud:
ושננתם לבניך? אל תקרי ושננתם אלא ושלשתם, לעולם ישלש אדם שנותיו, שליש במקרא, שליש במשנה, שליש בתלמוד. מי יודע כמה חיי? לא צריכא - ליומי
The Mishna Berurah is inserting the study of poskim into the lineup, possibly because today poskim are the equivalent on Mishnah and Talmud in the times of the Amoraim.
With the context of the Mishnah Berurah, we can fairly confidently suggest the amount necessary to study.
Rav Amram Gaon writes that the daily recitation of the Korban Tamid, the fifth chapter of tractate Zevahim, and the B'raita "R. Yishmael says: with thirteen methods the Torah is expounded...", is based on the aforementioned Talmudic passage. This is in turn referenced by Tosafot (Kiddushin 30a s.v. Lo and Tosafot R. Elhanan there). Accordingly, it is apparent that even a very small amount of study satisfies the daily requirement.
Although this does not give us a specific amount for the halakha portion, it suggests that very little would be necessary; probably not even two halakhot.