What cases are there in Tanach or Gemara where we see someone violate a בין אדם למקום commandment and not get punished for doing so. I'm aware of:
- Esther in Megillat Esther
Although a Machloket, siding with the idea that she was still married to Mordechi Esther was over illicit relations when she slept with king Achashverosh. Source: There is a תוס in סנהדרין in the 8th Perek that discusses why it wouldn't be a cardinal sin. Although תוס gives an answer, the premise he is working off of is that the act was indeed illicit relations (He just explains why it wouldn't be so with a non-Jew)
- Saul
Committed suicide to end his life.
- Shimshon
Committed suicide to end his life.
Edit: Appropriate: Was not punished in court or said to have done wrong in the text.
siding with the idea that she was still married to Mordechi
The implication seems to be that they were definitely married at one point. This is incorrect. |Esther was over illicit relations when she slept with king Achashverosh
But it wasn't necessarily a cardinal sin. (Certainly no source is cited).