I heard that there's a gemara either saying or suggesting that the Etz Hadas was alcoholic in nature. I had a hunch before learning of the Gemara it might have been alcoholic fruit.
So if it's true, what's the actual source?
I heard that there's a gemara either saying or suggesting that the Etz Hadas was alcoholic in nature. I had a hunch before learning of the Gemara it might have been alcoholic fruit.
So if it's true, what's the actual source?
This is one view presented in Sanhedrin 70a:
אמר רבי זכאי: אמר לו הקדוש ברוך הוא לנח: נח, לא היה לך ללמוד מאדם הראשון, שלא גרם לו אלא יין. כמאן דאמר אותו אילן שאכל ממנו אדם הראשון גפן היה. דתניא, רבי מאיר אומר: אותו אילן שאכל אדם הראשון ממנו גפן היה
The Holy One, blessed be He, said unto Noah: 'Noah, shouldst thou not have taken a warning from Adam, whose transgression was caused by wine?' This agrees with the view that the [forbidden] tree from which Adam ate was a vine. For it has been taught: R. Meir said: That [forbidden] tree from which Adam ate was a vine. (Trans. here)