Who knows fourteen?
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Please cite/link your sources, if possible. After about one business day, I will:
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Fourteen are the books of the -- Rambam.
(Well, in the work considered his latest and greatest, anyway. Or "fourteen are the books of the MishnahTorah." Which version is worse on the rhythm?)
Fourteen are the number of solid ingredients in the Biblical incense (according to Rabbi Nathan the Babylonian).
Fourteen are the minutes after sunset at which point I don't think anyone non-Hassidic will allow you to recite Mincha. (The absolute latest I'd heard was 13.5 minutes.)
Fourteen is the number of days that a mother is tamei after the birth of a baby girl (Lev. 12:5 - in this week's parsha).
Fourteen is the day of the month of Iyar when the "Second Pesach" can be offered, if one missed the first one. (May Hashem grant us to be able to do so this year!)
Fourteen is the number of children fathered by R' Chaim Halberstam of Sanz (from several marriages), leading to such Chassidic dynasties as Bobov and Klausenburg. For a comprehensive family tree, see:
Fourteen is the number of cows (7 skinny 7 fat) and sheaves (7 fat 7 lean) in Paroh's dreams.
FOURTEEN is the number of different people in tenach who had the name ZECHARIAH - זכריה
This is the most common name in Tanach
[note: If we consider the names ZECHARIAH - זכריה and ZECHARAYAHU - זכריהו as the same name then we have 27 people in Tanach with this name]
Fourteen is "enough" (dai=14 in Gematria) of these questions!
Yaakov spent 14years at the academy of Eber. Bereshit Rabbah 68:5
Bamidbar Rabbah 18:7 Maharzu emends the Midrash where Korach mistakenly forsees 24 "watches" (1 Chronicles 6 & 25) to actually be Fourteen.
14 is the number of the parts in the Pesach Seder (Order of the Seder)
1) Kadesh
2) Urchatz
3) Karpas
4) Yachatz
5) Maggid
6) Rachtzah
7) Motzei Matzah
8) Maror
9) Koreich
10) Shulchan Oreich
11) Tzafun
12) Bareich
13) Hallel
14) Nirtzah