there is the principle גר שנתגייר כקטן שנולד דמי does anyone know of commentaries on that ? Is it just a legal principle, or does it mean that there is an ontological change (i.e., is the convert just CONSIDERED like a newborn child legally speaking (without precedent legal ties), or is he IN FACT a (spiritually) newly born ?)
2 Answers
Yes, the statement has Halachis implications. For example:
- Does a convert who had children before converting need to have more children Yevamos 62a
- Does a child born before conversion prevent the "first born son" born after the conversion from being considered a first born Yevamos 62a
- Are brothers from before conversion considered brothers Yevamos 97b
But it also says that (at least according to one opinion), a convert is forgiven for all his sins from prior to conversion
Technically, Rashi only says that he will not be punished; not that he has been forgiven. The two are nearly identical, but not identical.– mevaqeshCommented Apr 8, 2016 at 22:01
I may be mistaken but I recall the Rambam saying something about a ger would not be forgiven for an avera they would have been guilty of capital punishment for while they weren't Jewish just by converting– DudeCommented Apr 10, 2016 at 4:26
It says in the posuk גר שנתגיר a convert that converted now if he was a convert why did he need to convert the wording of the posuk is a bit interesting the explanation is that every convert essentially when he was born had the capacity being one his souls phycie is different it is naturally spirtully intuned in other words god use these Jews as alreathis part of they just have to reveal this part of themselves this is the deeper meaning of that Passage
1sorry its not a pasuk its many loshen hagemara likw gemara shabbos 68b and btw this vort is sourced teshuvas maharam merotenburg chida marochos 3 ois 3 also in sefer teshuvas balei tosfos why the negatives– menachemCommented Apr 8, 2016 at 15:37
2This answer is very unclear. Please attempt to edit with clearer language, punctuation, and grammar.– Seth JCommented Apr 8, 2016 at 16:52
this video explains this answer clearly...…– DudeCommented Jun 22, 2016 at 6:00