In previous years, we've discussed the basic commandment status of changing clocks around this time of year as well as the proper language for announcing the change. Given that it's a commandment and that it is invariably announced in the synagogue, I assume that there must be associated blessings and liturgy. Has anyone come across any of the following, in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Judaeo-Arabic, vel sim.?
Prayer to be said in the synagogue on or at the end of the preceding Shabbat, along with the announcement.
Additions to the prayers on the preceding Shabbat.
Blessing to be recited before changing one's clocks.
Meditation for those who are awake to observe the clock change.
Haftara for the morning after.
Any other associated prayers.
I realize it's too late for this season in the US, but it's not too late for Israel, and it could be useful to have these texts available for next year.