the Arizal reportedly was able to tell things from looking at the flame of a candle as Rav Chaim Vital says in the Introduction to Shaar HaHakdamot
He knew the mysteries of gilgul [reincarnation], who had been born
previously, and who was here for the first time. He could look at a
person and tell him how he was connected to higher spiritual levels,
and his original root in Adam. The Ari could read wondrous things
[about people] in the light of a candle or in the flame of a fire.
With his eyes he gazed and was able to see the souls of the righteous,
both those who had died recently and those who had lived in ancient
times. With these departed souls, he studied the true mysteries...All this we saw with our own eyes. These are not things that we heard from others.
just dont try this at home