Follow-up on this related MY question relating to the bracha on coffee or tea.

I initially surmised that to say "ha'etz" you must eat the fruit that protrudes from a tree branch. However, I have heard that one would say *ha'etz" on cinnamon sticks, which is the bark.

Maple syrup (the real stuff, not the "corny" Aunt Jemima) comes from the sap of sugar maple trees. (There are probably other types of drinkable tree sap, though, I can't think of others.) It is still part of the tree, but it's in liquid form.

I had heard from a rav that the bracha on maple syrup is shehakol, but, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be ha'etz considering that it's part of the tree.


1 Answer 1


Cinnamon is hadomo OU guide , saider 6.19

See laws below that only the friut of a tree has the borcho hoaitz, but liquids (excluding what comes from olives and graips) are shehakol

(Regarding smell, sap has the brocho as it comes from a tree atzai vsomim saider 11.6 source bach 216 d"h vhamstki in rashi and ran name, m"a 216.8, eliya raba 216.10)

Saider 6.1,2,3,4,5,8,9,19

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  • After analyzing all the scanned pages, I'm still left with my original question not clearly answered, I'm afraid. The only halacha that seems close to answering the question is #9 which discusses sucking the juice out of the fruit. There does not seem to be any discussion regarding extracting the sap, directly. There is a discussion regarding almonds that have been sweetened by cooking and then it becomes "ha'etz". Maple syrup is usually inedible raw, and it is boiled before packaged for consumption. So, I don't know, from the above, if there is a difference between raw & boiled tree sap.
    – DanF
    Commented Jan 20, 2016 at 22:27
  • @DanF See this also i.sstatic.net/uW03e.jpg , the borcho hoaitz is on fruit as can be understood from the words of the brocho (he can praise G-d for somthing more special (it grows every year without planting), things that are not fruit that grow on a tree (since it is a solid) it is still considered somthing special and has the brocho of hadomo , things that are liquid are not special/respectful at all and have a brocho of shehakol (exemptions of oil, wine, and if the liquid gets the brocho of the friut that was cooked in it)
    – hazoriz
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 20:22
  • @DanF I found a better source i.sstatic.net/yZhDM.jpg i.sstatic.net/b7Lip.jpg (shulchan aruch harav 202.20)
    – hazoriz
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 20:27
  • That last source definitely is better. Perhaps you want to copy and paste that into your answer and delete the irrelevant parts? I don' t think the Hebrew is necessary as you have the English. What's interesting, here, is that this seems like a "classic" case of safek derbbanan l'kulah, and they are really extending this, somewhat to a safek of brachot so they state the somewhat universal rule "shehakol" for something that you can't quite identify. I got that, though, personally, I disagree with the analysis on this. But I have to accept the decision as they are smarter than I.
    – DanF
    Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 21:26

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