I'm looking for the right daf yomi shiur that I can download online. I know there's a lot to choose from, so hopefully my criteria are specific enough to lead you in the right direction. I'm looking for something where:

  • The objective is for each listener to do chazara from the knowledge shared in the shiur. An emphasis on what uncommon words mean and a clear, very phsat explanation of the shakle v'taria. I'm not looking for a Rabbi who gives explanations "outside" of the text, or is discussion heavy.
  • No commentaries. The purpose is to cover ground. The pshat given should be in light of what the commentaries say, but I don't want the machlokes between Rashi and Tosefos to be explained - just give me the one that makes the most sense, or just give me either.
  • about an hour long, covers a whole daf

Just for context, I'm deeply engaged with Rabbi Pogrow's bekius mishna shiur - it's a perfect example of these requirements! I tried his gemara shiur and found it too slow and a little more in depth than I want. I have a background in gemara learning, so I'm not looking for a shiur that teaches you skills to learn or keywords.

Thank you!

  • 1
    Welcome to Mi Yodeya! I wish you much success with your quest. I don't understand "The objective is for each listener to learn how to read the daf themselves. An emphasis on what uncommon words mean and a clear, very phsat explanation of the shakle v'taria". That first sentence makes it sound like you want the shiur to reach you how to study G'mara on your own (which is, by the way, an unusual aim for a shiur in daf yomi afaik), but then it would stress explanation of common words, wouldn't it? — because those are the ones you'll need to know as you move on to new G'mara.
    – msh210
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 6:27
  • "clear, very phsat explanation of the shakle v'taria" - The tone of your question is somewhat self-contradictory. You are seeking a "simple" explanation of difficult words, yet, for many MY readers, you are using terms in your own question that need explanation! You should consider translating these words. I apologize if I appear persnickety.
    – DanF
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 14:16
  • Related: Online Gemoro Shiurim Commented Dec 20, 2015 at 14:32
  • Hey, thanks for the clarifying questions. I have a background in learning and am familiar with keywords and learning skills, so I'm not looking for a rabbi to explain those. I'm also not looking for a rabbi to use the gemara as a springboard for his own explanations. Rather, I want a rabbi who understands that his explanation will be used for a lot of chazara and therefore needs to be clear. I'll update my question with this added context and clarification.
    – Leester337
    Commented Dec 20, 2015 at 17:23
  • If you expect no commentaries, no discussion off the page, etc, why should it take an hour?
    – Ze'ev
    Commented Jun 29, 2018 at 15:50

1 Answer 1


Listen to Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg. His Daf is extremely clear and he only does Pashut pshat. He mixes Rashi’s into the Gemara (says then outside), and once in a while he’ll quickly say a simple Tosfos outside.

  • Welcome to MiYodeya Moshe and thanks for this first answer. Great to have you learn with us!
    – mbloch
    Commented Apr 22 at 3:09

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