Today I learned that the Oasis Mediterranean Foods company (located in Toledo, OH) has lost their hechsher on stuffed grape leaves. Formerly the entire product line was certified by Star-K, so I called Star-K's kashrus hotline to inquire about the reasons for the change, and whether the rest of the product line was still kosher.
I spoke to the rabbi in charge of that region, and he informed me that Star-K had changed their policy with regards to bishul yisrael. Essentially the company had not changed anything in terms of how they prepare the food, but the certification agency became more machmir. (This was his own description of the change, by the way, not just my interpretation.) He also confirmed that this change only applied to the grape leaves, not to their stuffed cabbage, hummus, fattoush, or other products, all of which are still certified.
I have a hard time understanding the logic behind this. If the grape leaves were kosher six weeks ago, and nothing has changed in the production system, and all the rest of their products are still kosher, what is the logic behind removing the hechsher on the grape leaves now?
More generally, what is the logic underlying any "policy change" or "standards change" by a kashrus certification agency? If the underlying halacha hasn't changed, and the facts on the ground haven't changed, why should something be kosher one week and not kosher the next?