ArtScroll and Birnbaum (Nusach Ashkenaz) siddurim state that tzidkatcha should not be said on a day when Tachanun would have been skipped had it been a weekday. I believe that similar instructions are indicated regarding saying "El Maleh" for someone's yahrtzeit.

On the rules for Tachnaun, these siddurim indicate that it is not said during Mincha on the day before such occasions.

My question, and confusion regarding the 2nd rule about "day before" aka Erev...

One of the days to omit Tachanun is Erev Rosh Hashanna, and Tachanun is not said during Shacharit either. Since the entire day of Erev Rosh Hashanna has no Tachanun, does that mean that the mincha of the day before that, which is "Erev Erev Rosh Hashanna" also omit tachanun, which, this year would translate to omitting both tzikatcha as well as El Maleh?

1 Answer 1


The Artscroll Yitzchak Yair siddur (the all-Hebrew Ashkenaz one) states that if 28 Elul is a weekday, tachanun is said even by Mincha, and on Shabbat, tzikatcha is said.

You are correct that normally, if tachanun is not said by Shacharit, it is omitted the previous afternoon as well. However, Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur (and perhaps Pesach Sheni) are exceptions.

I don't remember off-hand about El Maleh.

  • Interesting that they list this as an exception. I'll see if I can compare this with the Ezras Torah Luach. I would have thought that this follows the rules as every other holiday, but apparently, not.
    – DanF
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 0:20

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