No, wait. Before you shake your head in disgust and think, "What are you thinking? Of course he's Ashkenaz!"consider what he writes in סימן מז סעיף יב:
ברכה ראשונה היא: "אשר קדשנו במצותיו, וצונו על דברי תורה". כלומר: לדבר וללמוד בתורה. והאשכנזים גורסים "לעסוק בדברי תורה"
He writes the Sephardic/Kabbalistic minhag first! Furthermore, I recently heard from a very learned and well known Rabbi that him being Ashkenaz is a misconception, and he was actually Sephardic.
Are there any sources to this?
P.S.- Yes, I know his last name is Epstein. And also, I know it's hard to believe, but I can't just disregard what this Rabbi said as completely incorrect.
Something that I think should be clarified: Look, I don't believe he's Sephardic either. I'm just asking whether somebody else has something revolutionary that I or you have never seen before that establishes him as Sephardic. If you don't think so, feel free to ignore this question then.