The Artscroll interlinear siddur occassionally offers an unexpected translation. Are there other, similar (word-by-word, not phrase by phrase) translations of the siddur (into English)?

  • Is "interlinear" a technical term or a made up Artscroll one? If the latter, consider describing in regular terms what you seek.
    – Double AA
    May 5, 2015 at 17:37
  • It's the term used by linguists.
    – elmindreda
    Jun 25, 2015 at 17:09
  • @DoubleAA Collins collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/… defines interlinear as "written or printed with the text in different languages or versions on alternate lines" which is a good description of the Artscroll interlinear siddur.
    – Yehuda W
    Jun 25, 2015 at 17:24
  • ArtScroll-Mesorah has the Interlinear translation and layout copyrighted. Because of this there's not any other siddur that has the same "stress-less" layout of the Schottenstein Interlinear Siddurim. You can find similar publications, but they will most likely be not as good. (opinion.) I know some people don't like the ArtScroll translation, but I think they have some very nice English in their siddurim. The Interlinear translation is much more superior to the classic translation though, if that helps at all.
    – ezra
    Jul 13, 2016 at 5:20
  • @EzraHoerster Do you mean the interlinear is better than the regular Artscroll translation or classic translations in general? In any case, what do you see as the superior aspects? Personally, I like the opportunity to reflect on the translation, which usually I agree with but sometimes causes me to scratch my head.
    – Yehuda W
    Jul 14, 2016 at 13:06

2 Answers 2


Siddur Besamim Rosh Nusach Ashkenaz & Nusach Sefard is an interlinear Siddur. They can be purchased brand new at Jewish Used Books.

  • 1
    Linear and interlinear are not the same. Linear provides a line-by-line translation. Interlinear provides a word-by-word translation. Metsuda is linear. I am looking for word-by-word.
    – Yehuda W
    May 5, 2015 at 11:57
  • Answer has been updated and now features an interlinear Siddur. May 5, 2015 at 16:27

If you are Sefardi you might find the Siddur Sefardi haShalem by Rabbi Kohansion useful. It has a linear translation.

  • Welcome to Mi Yodeya, Michael, and thanks for the recommendation (+1). I added a link to your post so people can see more about it. Hope to see you around.
    – Scimonster
    May 5, 2015 at 16:45
  • 2
    I'm going to second Scimonster's welcome. I don't really think this is what the OP is looking for. This has the English running in the opposite direction to the Hebrew, which would likely make understanding it more confusing May 5, 2015 at 17:10
  • @NoachMiFrankfurt that is confusing, that had to be seen to be believed!
    – barlop
    Dec 19, 2016 at 13:11

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