This year (2015 / 5775), the first night of Passover falls on Shabbat (Friday night). Neither my haggadah nor my siddur give much detail explaining how to integrate the two ceremonies. The only statement I found was that on Saturday night, Havdallah is to be combined with the kiddush for the second seder.

What other tips or guidance would be useful to know for this confluence? Is the full Kabbalat Shabbat recited or just the abbreviated one? I assume Maariv should be completed before the seder begins, but should one do the Shabbat kiddush at the end of Maariv like usual, or wait for the kiddush in the middle of the seder? Which wording should one use: the Shabbat kiddush or the festival kiddush? What else am I not thinking of?

  • Your haggadah doesn't have sections labeled something like On Shabbat:? Every haggadah I have ever come across does.
    – Daniel
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 12:34
  • @Daniel Actually my more thorough haggadot do, my more English-heavy ones do not. I phrased it like I did both to get a good list to help people with only less thorough ones, and because depending on who my guests are, I sometimes use the mostly English ones.
    – Mike
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 15:57
  • Careful! An English hagadah I used years ago said, "Break the middle matzah in half. Put the bigger half away for afikoman." How can this ever be done?
    – DanF
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 19:45

1 Answer 1


There are a few notable changes:

  • The full Kabbalat Shabbat is not said. Nusach Ashkenaz start with Mizmor Shir L'Yom Hashabbat (Psalm 92). Nusach Sefarad begins with Mizmor L'David and does an abbreviated version of Lecha Dodi. Nusach HaAri begins with Mizmor L'David.

  • The Yom Tov (Shalosh Regalim) Shmoneh Esreh is recited with the Shabbat insertions and phrasing for Pesach.

  • After Shmoneh Esreh, Vayechulu is said, but the next section Me'en Sheva is not said on the 1st night of Pesach (this is an unusual exception). Proceed to Hallel (see below) or full Kaddish.

  • Many have the custom to recite full Hallel in shul on the 1st two nights of Pesach. The usual blessings before and after are said also. (This is not unique to Pesach on Shabbat.)

  • Kiddush is not recited in shul, as it is assumed that everyone will be attending a Seder which includes Kiddush.

  • Your Hagadah will indicate where Kiddush (also the 1st cup of wine) begins on the 1st night, being Shabbat. You should also add the parenthetical words or phrases for Shabbat.

  • Similarly, for the 2nd Seder which is after Shabbat, your hagadah will indicate the paragraph for havdalah. There is a blessing that should be said over a flame. To perform this, you should place two of the festival candles together to create a single flame before reciting the blessing.

  • Your hagadah may also indicate in the blessing just prior to drinking the 2nd cup of wine, that there is a change in the order of one of the phrases for Sat. night (2nd Seder) whereby you say Min hapsachim umin hazvachim instead of the usual Min hazvachim umin hapsachim. However, some do not have the custom of varying the order on Saturday night.

  • Remember to add the standard additions for Shabbat into your various after-food blessings.

I think I have included everything, here. Happy Pesach.

  • And some vary the order the year before Pesach falls on Saturday night.
    – Double AA
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 20:35
  • @DoubleAA Where have you seen this minhag?
    – DanF
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 21:05
  • Torah Temima, IINM. It makes much more sense. The blessing is in future tense, after all.
    – Double AA
    Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 21:08

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