According to those who don't say tachanun on the seventh of Adar (referenced here, here, here, here page 3 among others) as it is traditionally considered Moshe Rabbeinu's yahrzeit, and as such, some don't say it, are there any implications regarding other parts of davening often affected by not saying tachanun? For example, do we say the series of yehi ratzons after the Torah reading which are often connected to tachanun (as per "The Ashkenazim are accustomed to say “Yehi Ratzon” while the Torah is being rolled and covered, except on days that Tachanun is not recited (see Piskei Teshuvot 147:7).) Do we say tachanun on the mincha of the 6th of Adar?
Are there different 'levels' of omission of tachanun depending on the reason (such as overt holiday, explicitly stated simcha, known yahrzeit, traditionally accepted date of yahrzeit) which have different consequences in the rest of davening?