I have a question that has been troubling me for many years and I have never received a satisfactory response.
On March 22, 2005 THE NY Times had an article entitled Religion and Natural History Clash among the Ultra-Orthodox. The article discussed among other things Rabbi Slifkin's book "The Camel, The Hare & The Hyrax" which discusses the Torah's list of animals with one kosher sign.
The article purports that there are more than just those four animals with one kosher sign (Rabbi Slifkin's book also states that and enumerates the animals). However the Gemara in Chulin 59 specifically states that the Torah lists these four because they are the only animals with one kosher sign and this is proof of TORAH MIN HASHOMAYIM. Yet even cursory analysis shows that there are many more species (for example the alpaca and llama which are not camels, yet both chew the cud and do not have split hooves).
Rabbi Slifkin's book The Camel, The Hare, And The Hyrax, enumerates other animals with only one of the two signs. Chapter Eight: Cecotrophy in Other Animals, Chapter Nine: The Controversial Capybara, Chapter Ten: Marsupials and Merycism.
It seems to me that one can not use this as proof that the Torah is from Hashem, yet Chazal say we can and most kiruv organizations use it as proof. Is the Gemara wrong?
Could you please clarify this?