I've searched for a siddur app for my Android phone and have seen this question, but so far I haven't found one that will let me increase the font size (including Tfilon, recommended there). Ideally I want something that will zoom and redo the page layout to adjust, like well-behaved web pages on the phone do, as opposed to something that will involve a lot of horizontal scrolling (like a PDF does). I'm in the diaspora with Ashkenazi nusach and I'm interested in weekday t'filah and bentching. I wouldn't be using the phone on Shabbat or Yom Tov anyway so I don't care about coverage there. I would find it helpful if any special instructions (choreography, when to say variable text, etc) are available in English. (For the prayers themselves Hebrew is just fine.)
I'm looking for an app rather than a web site because I don't want to be dependent on having service.
Is there an Android siddur that's a little easier on users with less-than-keen vision?